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So I'm looking for suggestions on a work and travel laptop that I can use in any location, including planes and buses. Sometimes it can be a bit cramped, so a real winner will shine even there.
General Questions

1) What is your budget?

2) What size notebook would you prefer?
Either Thin and Light; 13" - 14" screen or Mainstream; 15" - 16" screen.
This depends on the numpad situation. If it has a numpad on the keyboard, I'd like it to be 15''6’, not any bigger. If it has a numpad on the mousepad (I've seen these but I've never used them, Idk how good they are or how easily I'll adapt so it can be a bit of a risk), it should be 13" - 14".
It must have a numpad.
3) In which country will you buying this notebook?
Portugal (it needs to have a portuguese keyboard).

4) Are there any brands that you prefer or any you really don't like?
a. Like: Asus
b. Dislike: N/A
5) Would you consider laptops that are refurbished/redistributed?
Yes, I would mainly like to get one in this situation.

6) What are the primary tasks you will be performing with this notebook?
Microsoft Office 365 (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Teams, Onedrive)
Browsers (Brave, Microsoft Excel) (I'm willing to use more lightweight browsers for the sake of performance)
Streaming services (Netflix, YouTube)

7) Will you be taking the notebook with you to different places, leaving it on your desk or both?
Both, I'll be taking it all over the place, even cramped spaces.

8) Will you be playing games on your notebook? (If so, please state which games or types of games?)
No games.

9) How many hours of battery life do you need?
At the very least 2 hours.

10) Would you prefer to see the notebook you're considering before purchasing it or buying a notebook on-line without seeing it is OK?
If I'm able to confirm it has all the minimum requiremnts I need, just seeing it online is perfectly fine.

11) What OS do you prefer? Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Chrome OS, etc.
Windows 11, no other.
12) What ports do you require on your laptop? (ex. MiniDisplayPort or HDMI? Displayport or USB-C w/ DP?)
Needs to charge via USB-C.
Needs to have either one HDMI output or USB-C w/DP.

Screen Specifics

13) What screen resolution(s) would you prefer? See further below for explanations.
At the very least HR (1080p).

14) Do you want a glossy/reflective screen or a matte/non-glossy screen? See further below for explanations.
Both work, but something with anti-glare is more appropriate for me so anything that has that is the best option.

Build Quality and Design

15) Are the notebook's looks and stylishness important to you?
Somewhat important, but it would take something really ugly to make me not want to buy it if it fit the requirements.

Notebook Components

16) How much storage space do you need?
At least 256GB, has to be an NVMe SSD though.

Timing, Warranty and Longevity

17) When do you consider purchasing this laptop?
Within the next 1-3 months.

18) How long do you expect to use this laptop?
At least 3 years.

19) How long could you afford to do without your laptop if it were to fail?
At the most 3 weeks.

20) Would you be willing to pay significantly extra for on-site warranty, or would it be acceptable to you to have to ship the laptop to the vendor for repair with perhaps a week or more outage?
Acceptable to ship.
Also of note, the laptop must also have the following requiremnts:
  • 16GB RAM or more;
  • I need to use it smoothly without any peripherals, at the most I'm willing to use my trackball standing mouse.
  • It needs to charge via USB-C or similar, it can't have a unique charger.
  • Needs a great wifi and Bluetooth card, these two need to function great at all times with no bottlenecking or the like.
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