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  1. Hello. I just wanted to share my sanding experience with you guys. I had a 13900K which was delid and ran great with a lapped IHS and liquid metal. I then wanted to proceed to direct die cooling. I wanted to sand the die only to make it 100% straight or even. I taped the substrate with tape leaving the die to be sanded. I sanded the die only to like you could see it all sanded only surface sanding. After my CPU dosent work anymore. There are no visible damage to the cpu and all caps are there. I dont understand it. Its just dead with a motherboard error 00. I dont know if I pressed too hard when sanding, I did it in hand so to speak. pushing on the back of the CPU. Again no visible damage but CPU DEAD! 😞 I may have pressed to hard but I feel I did it correctly!? This was a very costly mistake, and I ordered a new 13900KS. I must admit that now im scared to do the normal delid on the KS even though before I was fearless.... This is extremely expensive toys. 😕 I have the EK Direct Die waterblock so I will use it. To begin with just stock CPU with a Thermalgrizzly mounting frame to see everything runs ok no error before delid. I will not attempt to sand die again. 🙂 I guess you have to be very careful and do it with absolutely no force.
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