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Everything posted by MelonicOverlord

  1. Thanks for that too, I can make good use of that tool as well. I think thats all issues with this laptop solved now - maybe some time I might upgrade the 4710MQ to a 4940MX (or whatever the extreme i7 was) but for now there's 0 point - especially with how much power it already draws.
  2. Isn't your M4800 running an unsupported GPU iirc? Could be something to do with that. Also is it only happening OS side or does it happen in the bios etc too? What also triggers it?
  3. Cool, nice to know I can't get help as updating a post which is 2 days old won't update anything & show I responded. Would've been cool if you guys actually put your guidelines in a place where people can find them, I searched for a good 10 mins looking for it and still did not find. SpeedFan is very cool and this is exactly what I was after. The temps are actually under control and are what I would consider normal for once. I think I will likely write a powershell script to automatically turn off the EC fan control at login and start SpeedFan (which will hopefully auto restore its previous settings). Still no clue what on earth I'm going to sort for Linux... There's probably some way of doing similar to this. I'm still yet to test it and see if it even gives a display out. Thanks for all the help with the M6800. Gaming has also been pretty good on the M6, only stumble I've seen so far is with COD MW2 where I'm only getting 30fps no matter what I set (and nothing is seeing full utilisation, probably game engine skill issue).
  4. Ah, I see now - I thought this mode variated the fanspeed between 0 to the max RPM threshold between the set temps. How can I unlock the set thermal settings? Since it would be nice this to just have a much more steep fan curve (which isn't stationary) so it isn't idling at like 70c cpu and 50c gpu.
  5. Thanks, that's good to know. Seems to be working so far, but the embedded controller doesn't seem to be activating the fans in consistency mode - so far I only seem to be getting it to work in Manual mode with EC off. Going to read any information/docs that there are.
  6. I apologise however it's a totally different subject to the last post and is not deserving of its own post for one simple answer. Does the fan manager save the settings past a reboot?
  7. Is it possible for the Dell Fan Management software found on a thread here to cause damage to the BIOS? E.g. fully bricking it? I was going to use it but the startup warning was concerning me.
  8. Right okay when I'm home in a couple of hours I'll try both and see what happens. Thanks
  9. Ah, so that option I do have. That was the one I forgot the name of that I mentioned. I have tried with it both on and off and I don't seem to get anything out of the dock dp. Does it only attach one of them?
  10. Unless I'm blind or there's another submenu I'm missing it's not there
  11. Where am I supposed to find that? I don't see it in my bios anywhere as far as I'm aware.
  12. Yeah, I'm running Gentoo and I have a pretty complex switching graphics setup. Might take a bit to get working. I've checked the video section but I can just turn off optimus, change brightness, or there's another setting but it didn't seem to affect the dp
  13. After doing some truly advanced mathematical calculations (totally not loading up a pic of a Maxwell card, scaling it down to the size of the K3100M and comparing) I have come to the conclusion that the MOSFET will not stick out any further inwards than 1 of the black... resistors? The SMD's inbetween basically.
  14. Is it likely better to wait until I get the card before doing this? Or is there a way I can estimate the location using the K3100M?
  15. Is the circled part the bit which needs to be removed underneath though? And if so is bending the copper part up agains the aluminium enough spacing? I am going to need to get creative with cutting it otherwise.
  16. So it's not enough to just bend the copper bit upwards against the aluminium
  17. This is my cooler presently. Am I right in saying this (circled) is the only part which needs to be removed from the NVIDIA heatsink to fit the Tesla M6?
  18. Do you know anyone who might? I need to get this cooler ideally modded tomorrow and I want to make sure I'm removing the right part.
  19. Ah I see. That's helpful to know. Do you know if the AMD and NVIDIA coolers need the same parts removed? I heard the NVIDIA cooler needs more taken off than the AMD one.
  20. Thanks! I'm assuming that the bit you remove is the same on the AMD and NVIDIA cooler. I'll try to get my hands on some way of removing that prior to Wednesday.
  21. Ordered, should arrive to my workplace by Wednesday. Will document my journey & try to mod the cooler prior to this.
  22. Fair enough. Which part did you have to remove on the heatsink and how much (I might try and do it in advance)? I knew it had to be done but I don't really know where or how much. Am I likely to be able to just saw off the part / sand it / hammer it away? I'm about to order the M6 now and I'll document how and if I get it to work for future people, since these cards are quite cheap for the performance and most M6800's are NVIDIA.
  23. Sadly that FirePro is a no go then since the only place I'm finding any M6800 AMD cooler right now is on a foreign AliExpress site. I guess full send on the Tesla M6 with custom vBIOS + 980M drivers? Unless there is any easy way to make it seat properly that is.
  24. Maybe it was OBS tanking that guy's performance then (since likely CPU encoding). I'm going to try research into if I can get the AMD card working in my NVIDIA heatsink or not. If I can I'll buy that FirePro and document how I get on.
  25. Do you have any performance examples of the FirePro at all? All I'm finding are videos of a guy playing BeamNG on it, no clue of the settings (med-high if I had to guess) at like 40FPS. Also as for the cooler, do you think it's possible to make the NVIDIA one work with the AMD card reliably?
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