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D2ultima last won the day on October 11 2023

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About D2ultima

  • Birthday 11/06/1989

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  1. If you wanted, you could add the entire page yourself, but in general we use official information like manufacturer pages and stuff and use AI to fill out the page like a template based on a thoroughly by-hand finished page we have. After that point, the objective is for volunteers/owners/etc to edit the pages and fix any little incorrect info we find. For example if a unit sells with a CPU that isn't listed on its page, we add that by hand. But the meat of the page will already be done.
  2. It isn't my term, Digital Foundry and many other reviewers use it. It is, however, a problem rather specific to unreal engine. What you were describing about it being a problem in other games doesn't much apply in this specific case. I can't say if having a P5800X would fix it or not, though, but wouldn't surprise me if it did considering its super fast random read/write.
  3. You're running into an Unreal Engine DirectX 12 issue, dubbed Traversal Stutter. As you pass key points in the game you dip in performance briefly as the game essentially loads in more area ahead of you. The points are static, and you can generally pass back and forth over them and trigger the stutter all the time. The only way the devs could fix this would be to literally re-write the game in another engine.
  4. On the plus side, Wukong's benchmark tool doesn't crash on me, so the full game probably won't crash. I guess microcode 104 and 2022 BIOS still winning out here and no CPU degrade Now if I could only use the intel APO driver too without any updates that'd be great
  5. Yes I think installing a free AV sounds like a good idea for me at least so I have control over what runs for the time being. I'll see what shutup 10 can do for me Edit: it doesn't have any options related to defender or security
  6. Windows 11, whatever the latest non-insider update is. Couldn't download from Sordum, found it from another website, while reading the readme it got deleted so I'm guessing same issue to be honest. Sordum said on their own page that some people were reporting defender couldn't be turned back on after switching it off, so they were stopping the pushing of the program, which is probably what happened to me.
  7. A long time ago I used a "defender switch" program to disable windows defender, but any such program I download right now just throws an error if I try to open it, saying it refuses to run because it could be a virus, and then it gets automatically deleted within a few seconds after trying this. So I don't know how to use it anymore. I also can't use KMS tools for any purpose, even the newest one. Even the "defender exclusion" file throws the same error, and it also deletes KMS tools unpack without me ever opening it just like explained above. So in short, I do not know how to reverse this issue. If I knew what defender switch actually DID and could manually replicate it, it'd be great, but I do not know how to do that.
  8. No no, defender isn't active at all. I'm saying that my windows security service, entirely, cannot be turned on or off This is literally the services.msc properties for the service. This means my security center doesn't open, like this: This means I can't make a lot of changes that I should otherwise be capable of making, like disabling core isolation security so I could use the microcode update. I found that I could use the microcode update if I turn off hyper virtualization on the BIOS level, but then I can't use some emulators properly that rely on virtualization to be on in said BIOS, and once I re-enable virtualization, the microcode updater disables itself, throws me back to microcode 104, and starts giving me the error popup on booting my PC every single time (error seen below): Also this ASUS BIOS sucks and toggling virtualization on/off causes my system to crash, need to be turned off via holding power button down, then boots into BIOS safe mode upon next boot. Which is slightly annoying. I've done sfc scannow, dcim health check restores, regedits, and all sorts of other methods to try and get the windows security service to be turned on, and it looks like the only remaining option is to do a windows reset or reinstall, which I'm flat out not willing to do.
  9. Well it comes to that time again. Seems I have a problem. My windows security service isn't working. I believe ages ago I used a defender switch program, but none of those new programs run anymore. I just get a popup about things being a virus then they get auto deleted. I also can't run the microcode updater, it throws me an error saying the driver can't run on the PC due to security conflicts. But I cannot open security center, or anything like that, it's just grayed out, and the security service is just completely dead. Can't enable it and a plethora of fixes can't be enabled. Now whenever I restart my system it keeps throwing the error about the microcode updater driver being unable to run. I should've left well enough alone and never clicked it, I don't want to reinstall windows for this. Anybody got any idea on a way to fix my security issues? Think it might be as simple as installing an antivirus and letting it allow the driver? Because I am actually stumped, and I can't seem to use another defender switch to turn it back on. And this alludes to my prime example of "stop cutting things out of windows it will break things in the long run" that I keep saying.
  10. Standard AMD marketing practice, tbh. I still remember them "comparing" to intel chips with hyperthreading off and single channel memory around the launch of one of their Zen lines. Absurdities is their de facto standard when it comes to marketing. Default reminder once again to all: companies are not your friends and you should only buy the best product for your use case within your budget means. Brand loyalty only makes a fool out of you.
  11. Speaking of BIOS not needing updates, my BIOS is old as hell I got curious and went and checked after I mentioned it haha What was the SA bug?
  12. I saw the updater when he posted it on the eluk discord but I didn't realize it worked for all systems. No harm using it, I suppose.
  13. You all getting so many problems with the new BIOSes I'm just not even wanting to update mine. I don't know what BIOS I'm on but I haven't updated it since I got the system and the CPU does about 1.1 to 1.2v under load and I've never seen it higher than 1.24v at all, so I suppose I'll count my luck. If I could update the microcode alone without touching anything else I could probably consider it but I doubt that's how this works for a lower end ASUS board
  14. I've always always said it, buy current gen Nvidia and never last gen unless it's on a huge sale. In my case this PC was gifted to me so I didn't have a choice, and I do have a really good 3080, but man I would kill for a 4080S or an upcoming 5000 series. I think if I was to upgrade unless someone drops a 4070S or higher in my lap right now I'd wait until 5000 series and see first. Maybe with luck by then I'll have stable income and can get a 5000 series. Hell knows I could do with more GPU power for turning up graphics more
  15. If you're talking about the mod I mentioned before, the point is to use DLSS as the upscaler while using frame gen on sub-4000 series nvidia cards. Because DLSS visually is a better upscaler. The difference shouldn't be anything much
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