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Everything posted by cis

  1. Yes you can switch from 0-400-600-800-1000-1200 and much louder 1400-1600-1800-2000-2200-2400-2600 and crazy 2800 rpm. You can order this cooling pad from aliexpress. Best results with honeywell PTM.
  2. I am shocked that no one has commented on IETS GT626 on such a professional forum where I have the opportunity to visit. What's important, miracles happen on any device.
  3. Yes, it's true, the device is 100% built from scratch compared to the previous version. however, the efficiency is on a completely different level, there is nothing to impress, it is not quiet, but even at the lowest speed it can cool down like a gt500 at 75% power, it is impressive. For me, this is the biggest surprise in electronics for several years now. If you combine Honeywell with IETS GT626 the results will be spectacular! Under only cooling pad results - with no honeywell magic
  4. its loudy but im using Sony ANC and its perfect 😉 1000-1200 rpm is acceptable (35-4x decibels -cant measure that ) for GT626 and makes miraclles - try it, its the same positive suprise like PTM7950-sp - think its better than water cooling, no joking. My idle temps are the same on delidded 10700k, laptop is always very cold. Air presurre makes nvme cold to, really miraclles. this wonderful thing should get some kind of award. Nothing has surprised me so positively in electronics for several years. Try it.
  5. IETS 500 its nothing to comapre with newest version IETS GT626. Ok its better than nothing but im loved newest version from 1st use its better beacouse temperature ale less ( got both ) u can see IDLE 10700k delided in games amazing, but im also using PTM7950-sp paste form on GPU and CPU
  6. I'm currently using PTM7950-sp paste form from ebuy7 and the IETS GT626 cooling pad from aliexpress (something amazing). While gaming, the temperatures are 3x degrees Celsius and when under hard stress, 5x degrees Celsius, but I often use the silent mode. I hope that after changing the graphics, the work culture will remain unchanged. I,ve selled IETS GT500 it is definitly worst than GT626.It is masterpiece.
  7. However, the 2080 should still be better than the 2070 Super, I ordered it, I hope the foreign shipment will arrive soon with no customs 🙂
  8. Could anyone help me ? I have Clevo x170sm with a 2060 card. I would like to replace it with a 2080 super from the Clevo website. The compatible part is 6-77-X170L-D04-W, but it is beyond my financial reach. However, I have the option to purchase 6-77-X170L-D04-C from the P751TM1 laptop. I would like to know if I can replace the graphics card without any problems, if the TDP is the same as in version X
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