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Everything posted by 0anassa0

  1. Found some more pictures: Top is P775, bottom is P750, circled in red is where the fins stick out and where the pipe on the CPU heatsink it needed to be bent to fit. See from the top the different sizes: Red circled area is where I had to slightly bend the heatpipes up for the P775 to fit: Back side of the P750 showing how much the fins stick out past the case: Here you can see how much I cut of the bottom enclosure to fit the fins: So as you can see I do think the P775 has better cooling than the P750 even if on paper they say they can cool the same wattage.
  2. Found some old pictures when I was trying this myself. Here is the heatsink for a P750TM (I think could be P750DM2): Now here is an example of P775TM (or P775DM2) installed in a P750DM2 You can see the fins stick past the end of the notebook, but otherwise seem to fit. The other issue that you can't really see is that the depth of the P775 heatsink is also more than the slot for the fin section so it lifts up the heatsink just a little bit, just enough to make it not have perfect contact. And if you bend the heatpipes to get it to fit it will obstruct the air that is moving in the heatpipes to cool the GPU / CPU. Soooooo if you REALLY want to make it fit, you need to cut out around the fins to make it fit. Honestly not worth it and the rear is then fragile and you have to be careful not to bend the fins by accident.
  3. Hello all, I used to spend some time in NBR, made an account here after the migration but seem to have lost my old account, anyways! I have a P870DM3 and P750DM2 that I may want to bring to life again but not sure which to go with. I recently was able to get a hold of a 3070 for a decent price so it will go into one or the other. P870DM3: 360hz 1080p screen upgrade? What is this craziness of B173HAN05.1 and 6-43-p7751-020-1L cable = plug and play 360hz screen upgrade? Any other nice screen upgrades? I currently have the 144hz 1080p screen? 3070 GPU install Now I would have the most thermal room in the P870DM3, but I am seeing only the heatsink on aliexpress for ~$300? Are there other options for a heatsink? I feel like heat management is a huge bonus here for P870DM3 as it is able to manage my 180w 1080 gtx very well CPU P870TM heatsink I have the P870TM heatsink (not installed), but I think I need to file down the screws a little for them to fit? It currently already has a 9900k with the dsanke bios, but am worried about being able to keep it cool enough. CPU upgrade Is there anything beyond 9900k? Other than 9900ks? If it is possible to keep temps in check it has a long life left but still curious. Future GPU upgrade: I see in the Official P870TM-G thread user "Developer79" teasing finding a way to fit MXM->PCI-E adapter that in the future might allow desktop GPU PCB installed in P870 series + some kind of customer heatsink and still slap on the bottom to make it portable? Now if that is possible the choice would be very easy. P750DM2: More portable 15" laptop GPU heatsink: I already have the air cooled (not water) one piece heatsink from aliexpress that I could easy drill small holes in for mounting the 3070 3070 is also 140w GPU so easier to cool in a smaller chassis LGA1151 adapter w laptop cpu? I see on aliexpress some lower watt laptop cpus that have been converted to LGA1151 socket? Would this work for the P750DM2 to help keep temps down with still decent performance to match the 3070? I currently have a 8700k for it, so something with similar performance would be pretty good match for 3070 I think Are there any good screen upgrade options? Conclusion: IF I can have: a lower watt CPU (with decent performance) that can stay cool 3070 that already uses less power than 1080 gtx on the one piece heatsink I have decent screen upgrade with good refresh rate THEN P750DM2 can be a good daily use work/game laptop - and - I can maybe keep the P870DM3 for long term modding fun or sell it. So I need some guidance as I am trying to catch up on what I missed the last few years and what is or is not available and possible. Thanks all
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