I've had my P170Sm for over 8 years now, still running windows 7pro 64bit. Clean, always works. I picked it because I have three drives. The only thing I have had to replace is the CPU fan - which I had to purchase and have shipped from China - but it did not take too long to get here. I use it as an editing machine - Premier pro - so it does get a work out from time to time. I have 10TB tower attached and other back up drives as needed. Knock on wood - alas, time marches on and many things are becoming legacy in operation. So this year will be the year I upgrade to new system. Funny enough - I usually put it to sleep, maybe shutting down once a month. Its my opinion that when you buy, get the best and most recent components you can afford. Needless to say, my next purchase will be a bit pricey. Cheers.