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Everything posted by Raven

  1. So the 2080 Super arrived, Time to try things.
  2. Minor update: I have almost gotten a WWAN device (Fibocomm L860GL 16) Working in the second MXM port ever since I dropped the second 1070, I have it atleast mostly recognized by windows as you can see in the screenshot, Just a manner of figuring out how to 'wake' it up so I can have 4G LTE connectivity thus allowing me to take my laptop everywhere and not need a constant hotspot as it can provide it's own
  3. Sounds too me like one of the following has happened. 1) Bad display cable 2) PWM controller for the screen backlight has gone bad 3) Screen has gone bad. It has to realistically be one of those but #1 seems the most likely, Personally I can't wait for my 2080S to arrive and I can shove it into my P870
  4. Everyone's favourite part of modding and upgrades, The long dissapointing wait for parts to arrive in the mail.
  5. Sadly there is a huge difference in price, the 3070 starts at around 1500 AUD so given that while the 2080S wont be quite as good as the 3070 but will still obliterate the original 1070 I think at 450 AUD it's not so bad.
  6. Yeah with any luck it works right off the bat and i'm going to be happy. I'll have the second set of 32GB sticks on the way soon for a total of 128@ 3200mhz After that it's replacement screen and finally moving on to storage, Though I can't for the life of me find replacement Sata Caddies/adapters for the P870TM-G since I don't know where mine have gone. Also need a decent place to pick up a lot of replacement screws for this machine as i've found that they were made with weak metals/thin heads and tend to round easily.
  7. I have taken the plunge and ordered a new GPU. I found a 2080S that was just a little over $450 AUD wich is a steal and it's on the way, Now the wait time to see what happens.
  8. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000465841183.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.60c446223oVzFZ&algo_pvid=6ce68480-9792-442a-894d-c72f6499cb7e&algo_exp_id=6ce68480-9792-442a-894d-c72f6499cb7e-1&pdp_npi=4%40dis!AUD!41.28!41.28!!!26.68!26.68!%402103011117055985102054058ec220!10000014712286003!sea!AU!0!AB&curPageLogUid=M3gyikaAah7r&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A Should be it, But I am sure that @Developer79 probably also has a link to the correct cable I did not notice that one, It's the same thing basically only 120hz instead of 144 which isn't that big of a difference. The game that I play the most benefits significantly from windows Auto-HDR and comes out really well but doesn't need a 4090 to push 4k and that's WoW, Then coming in after that is Factorio, BG3 etc Most of the games I play aren't shooters so if it does dip below optimal frame rate it's not a big deal.
  9. Excellent, That solves a lot of problems realistically. so first up is getting a new heatsink and tracking down a 2080S or 3080, I've got my eyes on a cheap 2080S and just waiting for another member to confirm compatibility with it. Then if it's just a cable, I'll pick up either the B173ZAN06.C or B173ZAN06.9 But I am leaning towards the B173ZAN06.C for the HDR support, As I said the 9900K slotted in without issues and the replacement battery is doing pretty well as-well so far so it's just those two in regards too getting upgrades for the display. In a couple of weeks i'll order another 2 https://www.umart.com.au/product/crucial-32gb-1x32gb-ct32g4sfd832a-3200mhz-ddr4-sodimm-ram-57739 of these to bring it to 128GB/3200mhz and then it's time to eye up some new drives after that. Going to build a proper laptop stand/dock that has a thunderbolt to PCIE interface on it to slot in a 10 or 40GBE nic and some decent fans in it to help the laptop along, Replace the CPU thermal interface with the graphite pads or go liquid metal.
  10. So realistically we just need to buy a different cable? Damn I'm feeling good about these upgrades. How do you like it? Ideally when I figure out which Panel I want, I am going to just order it and drop it straight in. Ideally I'd like something that is 4K 120hz or better with hopefully HDR and good brightness/color vibrancy, I tend to play RPG's more than anything so things like Horizon Zero dawn, Baldurs gate 3, World of warcraft all of which have a huge benefit from panels that do well with vibrant colors amongst other things.
  11. What is the model of the panel that you have and was it drop in? Being able to swap this 1440p 120hz panel for a 4k 120hz panel would be amazing to be honest.
  12. Attatched below is the one that I have, And since I don't use Dual GPU anymore it's mostly just cooling a single 1070 as the secondary 1070 has been removed. Do we have a different Bios to use then? Or will 10.07 from the Metabox branch be fine to keep going with? Information is Scarce but it's things such as the QJT1 and similar, ES 10th gen laptop CPU's put on an interposer and work in 8/9th gen motherboards. The card in question is the Fibocom L860-GL-16, I wanted to edit it in but i'm still under moderator restriction, I used to post a bit under a different name when we were on the notebookreview forums. We have access to OLED Panels? I thought OLED panels had a completely different power circutry, Are they just drop in and go? Got any models available as a link to browse? Cheers.
  13. I can't really say anything about newer models but my P870Tm-G has survived hell so, Take that as you will.
  14. Hi all, It's about time I ressurected the beast that is my P870TM-G so i've got a few questions! and observations I had the dual GPU 1070 model and since SLI is no longer a thing i've removed one of the 1070s and it's battery life is almost tolerable now, Idle stuff like content consumption and word proccessing/browsing is nearly 3 hours with a dimmed display at 60hz (I've got the G-sync 1440P panel) So far I found a cheap 9900K to replace the 8700K and I am running Bios Version Prema Mod: 1.07.MTBX3 according to CPU-Z 1) Where are people finding the dual 'radiator' single GPU heatsink for the 10 series and or 20 series cards, I've got the Dual GPU vapor chamber one which does well but I want to do a few things with the now empty MXM slot. 2) Drop in replacement for 20-30 series MXM 3.1 cards, I've found a 2080 super that's not only on the cheap but I don't know if it'll work, are the 20 and 30 series cards just drop in? I know the 2080 super has the same layout as the 20 series and the 20 series used a different heatsink 3) Does Prema still do bios mods for these? If so any idea what the latest version is? 4) I've heard people getting Mutant 10 series CPU's running on these was there any performance differences or gains? If so are they compatible? 5) Does anyone know of an MXM to M.2 NGFF adapter that's able to handle a type B Key? I know there are quite a few Cat 16 LTE WWAN cards that only use PCIE and don't care for GPIO as they can take an E-sim but finding anyway to get a type B key to MXM or even cross conversion seems terribly difficult. 6) Panel replacement, Did anyone ever see if Panels from other models can work on these old Units, the 1440p/120hz panel is certainly showing signs that's for sure, There was someone selling a P870TM-G using the AUO B173ZAN06.C Panel, Do we have confirmation that the panel is just drop in and go or? as it's a 4k 144hz with HDR support. Cheers.
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