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  1. that has let me install the drivers it now correctly informs me that it is a gtx 1060 unfortunately device manager reports a code 43 and the green pixels are still there it might be a busted card
  2. As the title suggests I've just swapped out a 980 mxm card for a 1060 one on a clevo P7xxDM-G (what it identifies as in BIOS) motherboard and windows doesn't correctly identify the card calling it windows basic display adapter and the Screen is covered in flashing green pixels. Nvidia won't install drivers on the laptop as it doesn't identify that the laptop has a Nvidia card in it. pulling up the card info using a Vbios flashing tool does however correctly identify it as a gtx 1060. I have seen on an other forum that the issue has been resolved by installing a driver with a modified .inf file which required the HW ID of the card. if anyone can supply me with one of these modified .inf files and walk me through how to use it I would be greatly appreciative. HW ID of the Card: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1C20&SUBSYS_75021558&REV_A1 PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1C20&SUBSYS_75021558 PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1C20&CC_030000 PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1C20&CC_0300
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