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Everything posted by Loba

  1. thanks! here's a video with disassembly of the internal, you can replace the MXM board yourself, swap out the oculink + usb 3.0 module for 2 x usb 4.0 module, they claim that the GAN PSU can also be swapped eventually. they placed the MXM board on top of the I/O board. Sure hope that blower with 3 copper tubes is sufficient to cool the whole chassis.
  2. thanks for the welcome, i am actually using GPD G1 for my egpu needs but this https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/sgwzone-gaming-ai-box-egpu-dock/x/17429983#/ using mxm has captivated me
  3. Hello all, I came across this: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/sgwzone-gaming-ai-box-egpu-dock/x/17429983#/ and got quite excited about it since I have been looking for a compact egpu solution for my oculink handheld. After delving a bit further, I realised the MXM platform that they are using is not as simple as it seems, they claim to be using RTX 3070 mobile and RTX 4060 desktop gpu chip but is that really possible or are they pulling a fast one?
  4. Hi, I came here because I came across talk on reddit that this is the place to be for MXM GPU discussions I will post on MXM in the relevant section..
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