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runix18 last won the day on July 25 2023

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  1. From what I know this mutant CPUs have a not so good memory controler, but some people related that they can push 3200 no problem. So it all depends on the binning.
  2. Igpu will never work on this models as they are pure EDP laptops, the Mux switch circuit is not present,
  3. If I were you righ now, I would just do the TM Cpu heatsink mod, and also mod a GTX980 heatsink to match the RTX 5000 layout by following this tutorial. And btw what do you need to solder and desolder from the motherboard?
  4. Unfortunately, there is no solution that’s ready to use. The idea of the mod is simple, as you just need to cut off 3 mm of the CPU back plate standoffs after you remove it with a hairblower from the motherboard. After you do that you are good to go with a TM heatsink. Mind you that you also need to remove the 12V fan from the heatsink as the DM uses the 5V fan.
  5. See this. Unfortunately I cannot find the tutorial anymore as it was on the old Notebookreview forum, maybe somene has it archived somewhere.
  6. Better than merging the GPU with CPU heatsnik (Clevo did it with the DM2/3/KM and revised the cooling again with the TM, wonder why😜), you could do a CPU TM heatsink mod. With a TM heatsink I was able to kepp the 9900k to 4.5 Ghz (with 4.3 Ghz cache), and still have under throthling temps in games.
  7. MXM slots are running at 8x Pcie 3.0. To further help you tou need to post pictures from inside the laptop with the GPU installed. With and without the heatsink on. Wich kind of RTX 5000 do you have?
  8. You need to go on bios first page and take a picture. We will then see what bios version you have. 2.18.1263 is the AMI bios version, not the clevo bios version. If you realy have an old version and you did not bought your laptop from a Prema resseler, your best bet is dsanke bios mod (also unlocked).
  9. I remeber that XMP had problems on early bios versions. I did not have Prema bios so bios ver. 2.18.1263 is unknown to me. Best bet is that xmp will work corectly in the last bios version.
  10. 330W should be enogh to run this spec at stock clocks. From what I can deduce, most likely you have insuficient cooling/contact of the thermal pads with the power mosfets (check CPU/heatsink side on the motherboard and GPU/heatsink for proper pad contact). Second and worst scenario is a bad mosfet on GPU, most probably on the memory side.
  11. You do not need an adaptor, you just need the 40pin edp cable.
  12. You can still achieve 100hz with Custom Resolution Utility
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