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  1. and here is my back up of the chip, pretty sure its the me chip, mine was a winbond branded chip new mobo usb winbond 8mbit.bin
  2. here is stock bios, use 7zip to extract bios new mobo 64mbit.7z.001 bios new mobo 64mbit.7z.002
  3. 1080, i used this file i found on the fourm and it seems to work, i can now see the splash screen VBIOS_With_GOP_Updated_To_0x3000A_For_GTX_1000_Series_Graphic_Card.rar
  4. what is GOP update? and do you have links on how to do it?
  5. hey all i recently replaced my screen with B173HAN05.2 and no longer get display in the bios. it works 100 percent in windows 11, but in recovery or bios its just a black screen. any ideas? thanks in advance.
  6. yup my 7700k works 100 percent its got one 8gb stick of sk hynix 2133mhz to make sure the ram works
  7. do you have any idea why it wouldn't post the qtj1 cpu then?
  8. well i flash that zip linked above and it says "ME FW Version: 61665.9.41688.14353" in the bios i thought i linked to that picture, my bad right one is below IMG_0076[1].HEIC
  9. is the me fw version supposed to have a number? if so it does. also the flash deff worked cause there is a lot more in the bios lol is there a dsanke bios manual? if so i need it XD IMG_0077[1].HEIC
  10. So I got the laptop to POST (yay) flashed the bios (it now says clevo flashed by dsanke or something like that for the boot logo), tried to put in the qtj1 cpu and it wouldn't fit. so i delided it and that made it fit but it wont post. i tried with just one stick of 8gb 2133mhz sk hyniks (this same stick works w my 7th gen i7) to make it wasn't ram and it still didn't post. is this something i need to ask @ViktorV about? also i bought a b173han05.2 display and i guess i got the wrong cable, i bought https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832620880374.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.29.51be1802Xm5ZCE&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa (P775 40P 0.5mm 46cm) I'm guessing i needed "P775 40P 0.4mm 46cm" instead as the one i have is too big of connector. (is this a good price? if not can you link me?) Thanks in advance 🙂
  11. So I bought a replacement motherboard from ali-express, hoping all I have to do is copy the chip to get old one working again. If not I will just replace the motherboard. With that being said, i have a qtj1 (10th gen es) CPU that I wanna use, so where do I get the intel me disabled dsanke bios @runix18? (As far as I know this is the one I need) Also, do I need to cover any pins for that CPU? Reading different forum posts here it seems like you don't need too. Thanks in advance for all the help.
  12. i did using the backup i had and the official bios from clevo. I'm pretty sure i need the contents of this chip (see attached pic, in blue) as it is the chip i flashed and (like a dum dum) didn't take a backup of. a source of that would be great. on a different note, what do i need for the machine to start properly? I've been testing with cpu gpu mobo heatsink ram power button and sdd, do you need more than that? Thanks for any advice, buying a $250 mobo from aliexpress does not sound great to me lol
  13. update: flashed the wrong chip. i was flashing an 8mbit chip over by the usb, hopefully its ok. found the bios chip backed it up, and then flashed the backup from earlier to no avail. also tried the one from clevos website, no dice. when i flashed either one i got this error: Verification error on address: 0x00000032, Device: 0x8C, Buffer: 0xCC i also switched to neoprogrammer to see if it would make a difference. it didn't. i will continue to use it it provides a lot more info.
  14. Hi all. I recently got my hands on a p775-dm3 and i tried to use this: to flash the dsanke bios for my machine. I used the p7xx-dmx 0729 file from here: https://github.com/supermarsx/other-clevo-modded-bios now the laptop refuses to post. I have a ch341a programmer and using the CH341A_CH347 Programmer V2.0 program i was able to flash the backup i made before it went down, but no dice. Also tried flashing the 511 ver of dsanke and no dice. Tried the bios from clevos website, no dice. Let me know what I'm missing here, i honestly just wanna flash the stock bios back rather than dsanke, trying to install the dsanke bios bricked it so i don't know. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Jon
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