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  1. Just to report my progress, I did try all the T1000 VBIOS I found, the non-Adlink didn't flash, even with nvflashk. The Adlink ones did flash, but no laptop screen support with any of them. In the end I put back my M2200, I don't think this T1000 is going to work. (It would be great to be able to convert it to a kind of eGPU with expressCard or something, but it's probably not worth it) By the way, after uninstallation of the T1000 I noticed that the radiator was not touching the GPU core at all, I think some ICs (like mosfets) are taller than the original K2100 and the M2200, so it doesn't work with the stock thermal pads. This explains why the temps where high, the fan spinning and performance was poor, so check that when upgrading. (In my case it doesn't really matter because the lack of laptop display is a no-go anyway)
  2. Hello, I've just received a Quadro T1000 that I bought from ebay and it's the Adlink one. I have temp issues as well, I will try this vbios. However I have a bigger issue, which is that I have a M4800 with QHD+ 3200x1800 (eDP) screen without Optimus, and this MXM GPU doesn't detect it. I'm able to boot using an external HDMI screen, but it's not good. I'm going to first try the vbios mentioned to see if it's better (temps and eDP), if it doesn't I will try a Dell VBIOS for the T1000 I found on techpowerup, maybe it will be better ? Any clues as to why the M4800 QHD+ eDP would not be detected ? I previously upgraded the K2100m to a M2200 and it worked great, I'm wondering why would the T1000 eDP not work ?
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