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Everything posted by i_pk_pjers_i

  1. One of my friends pointed me towards https://github.com/patobrien/xenforo-backup which I didn't find when searching for tools before, so I guess his google-fu was better than mine even though we're both programmers lol! I had to modify it to change a CSS class name, and then put in the URLs, a real user agent, ignore robots.txt, etc. I wasn't able to get it to dump the sub-sections because the CSS classes were way different and I didn't have time to fix it unfortunately. I also dumped the MSI section since I have owned MSI laptops as well, although it's like way smaller for some reason so I'm not sure if it really did fully dump the MSI section, it's uploading right now but the link when it's done is here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wk4oqgks5ryhk4a/NotebookReview+MSI+2022-27-27_02-23-24.zip/file
  2. I've posted this elsewhere but I might as well post it here too: I archived the entire Clevo section in JSON format minus the subsections. Here is my dump of the Clevo section: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wobk5svd7xh1sy7/NotebookReview_Clevo_2022-25-25_13-38-48.zip/file I can't wait to see the Clevo owners' lounge subsection once that's available in read-only format again since I wasn't able to archive that myself.
  3. I saved the HTML files of the Clevo laptops I owned and I archived the entire Clevo section in JSON format minus the subsections. Here is my dump of the Clevo section: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wobk5svd7xh1sy7/NotebookReview_Clevo_2022-25-25_13-38-48.zip/file Edit: I also dumped the MSI section, the link is here but it's way smaller than Clevo for some reason so maybe it didn't dump everything: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wk4oqgks5ryhk4a/NotebookReview+MSI+2022-27-27_02-23-24.zip/file
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