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About Yotsuko

  • Birthday 01/28/1986

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  • Member Title
    Stereotypical Trans Catgirl

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  1. Using USB-C cables and chargers with older style connectors is something I've actually been curious about for a little while and in this video from Laptop Retrospective, such cables are covered. Now on the two computers shown in the video, it's seen that this is possible. However, I'm wanting to see how well it works with some more demanding systems, such as the Dell G15. So I have a USB-C to 7.4mm Dell barrel cable that should be arriving tomorrow. While the Dell G15 comes with a 170W power brick, it does seem to get along well enough with a lower wattage adapter. I'll be trying the cable with an 87W Platinum-branded USB-C power adapter, which saw regular use with my 16-inch MacBook Pro. Hopefully the results are good.
  2. Anri - Remember Summer Days I've been listening to a lot of city pop while at work.
  3. She's not going to be back for a few more months, but I got an Otterbox case for my mom's Galaxy Z Flip3 that I bought for her a few months ago. https://www.otterbox.com/en-us/galaxy-z-flip3-5g-case-pink/77-84861.html?dwvar_77-84861_color=Fuchsia Party&cgid=galaxy-z-flip3-5g
  4. I believe you can. If I remember correctly, Cooler Master might have one.
  5. I'd say they do! As for my last purchase, I bought an iMac! I kind of regretted selling my Mac mini once I returned to my office and have wanted an iMac since the Apple Silicon models were announced, so I got a pink base model.
  6. Oh, we weren't forced to go back. I was given the option to return to my office and took it. To be honest, it's done wonders for my mental state.
  7. I was wondering if you still had that. How's the car treated you since buying it?
  8. AirPods Max in either Space Gray (to match my MacBook Pro) or Pink (to match my iMac). I'm just having a hard time bringing myself to spend $550 on a pair of headphones.
  9. Like many here, I came from the old NBR forums. There, I was Datamonger for the longest time before having my username changed to Yotsuba. I spent a lot of time in the Off Topic threads, but would pop into some of the other sections every now and then, usually for brands of computers that I had at the time.
  10. Since there's no longer any non-DoD internet connection at my office, I picked up a Netgear Unite Explore AC815S mobile hotspot.
  11. After nearly two years, (March 23 would be exactly two years), I'm finally going back to my office. Monday will be my first day back. After waking up between 8 and 9 every day for the last two years, going back to waking up at 6:30 is going to be rough.
  12. I remember when I first signed up. I needed help with a Compaq laptop I had at the time and the rest was history.
  13. I tossed in a vote for NBCore.net, as I feel that holding on to the word "notebook" is clinging on to the past that was Notebook Review a bit too much. NB feels like a tasteful nod to the forum of the past. I will say that I think "Core" should be replaced with "Corps" though.
  14. Outside of groceries, I picked up an open-box HomePod mini for $80.99. It ended up having a missing power adapter, but I have extras. For such a small speaker, this thing sounds pretty good!
  15. Some new tech for my mom to bring on her deployment. A Nokia G20, Netgear Nighthawk M1, and a T-Mobile SIM (for the Nokia). Now to get it all set up.
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