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  1. I started it back up again now that they've released some patches and I'm digging it all over again. The only aspect I still don't like is fact that most of the randomly generated locations are a lot like.. if you've seen like two or three of them you've seen them all. I have quite literally seen THE SAME EXACT structure on more than one planet/moon. It was a sizable factory with multiple buildings. Aside from that I do run into the odd more novel location on a planet. I've been doing a lot of running around scanning all the stuff on every planet I land on. lol. Some of the quests are pretty good. I'm really getting into it this time I'll probably just finish it off and see how many planets I can scan until I just can't take that anymore. Right now I'm just trying to get to the point where I can start flying Class B ships. In the main quest I'm at the point where something pivotal happens at the Lodge+Eye.. it's getting pretty interesting.
  2. Finally got a chance to start this. They did such a great job on it. 10/10. I as well played the original when it released. Truly a game changer, nothing else was like it and it basically along with UU series kicked off the whole immersive FPS/RPG genre.. then perfected in System Shock 2 and Deus Ex. Such a fantastic series of games.
  3. Agree. Really dug all the new Wolfensteins. Machine Games pulled off quite possibly one of the most bonkers series of events ever to grace a video game. Can't wait for this.
  4. Been a while. Trying to remember what I've played recently. Uncharted 4 Legacy of Thieves Collection. Installed Fallout 4 with a texture mod was playing that again for a bit. Got back into Starfield since that patch dropped, been digging it. The planets are generally somewhat repetitive and barren except the odd thing that I find that is more novel but ignoring that the rest is good.
  5. D4 was good enough for a one run playthrough, which is typically how I play Diablo.. Run it once and then play it again a bit down the line after expansion.. Grim Dawn is fantastic, they are still pumping out patches and there's an expansion coming. I had backed that when they were crowdfunding on their own site before kickstarter was a thing. 100% due to how great Titan Quest was. Good to see they are still making it happen. Path of Exile 2 also looks like it's going to be good. Gonna be good.
  6. Yeah... the full name of the game is "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" Enhanced Edition (Anniversary Edition these days I guess..) Yeah hah
  7. lol rdr2 has flaws.. or i wouldn't have uninstalled it after 35 hours to free up SSD space... i'll probably eventually get back to it, just got bored of it for some reason.. I definitely liked the first one better.
  8. Played BG3 somewhat early into Act 1. Set it aside for Starfield, played that for a bit.. just set that aside for AC:Mirage. I'll be finishing AC:M and then maybe jump back to BG3. I'll finish that and do another CP2077 run with all the new patches. By the time I get those done we'll have a bunch of Starfield patches out probably and then I'll finish that.
  9. Nowhere near close. It'll probably take me a while as I stopped playing it for AC:M which will also probably take me a while as I played it yesterday for maybe 30 minutes and I probably won't get back to it till next week. EDIT: I think it's a fine game. Typical Bethesda. Not my favorite so far by them but worth the price. I really don't care much about the base building and ship building so some of the work of upgrading things is knocking it down a peg because I don't feel like spending my time on the grind and drudgery of building things and gathering materials. But it seems so far I've gotten away without too much fuss except for my ship (I got a unique one from a quest) isn't up to the task of beating one of the quests i'm on where the final test is taking down like 4-5 ships at once. I'm kind of waiting on that one to get enough credits to just buy a better ship, I first have to kill enough other ships to upgrade my pilot skill. I MIGHT be able to just straight upgrade it with better Class compnents once I do that as well so we'll see. So kind of stuck a little bit in that drudgery corner and kind of ignoring that angle. Hopefully I keep just finding good enough gear to not have to go through the monotony of using the various workstations to upgrade. I've basically completely ignored all of that right now hopefully I can keep it that way. I really rather liked the more straightforward approach to the crafting in FO4, it's expanded and more nuanced here and I don't care about it much. If I'm forced into it I'll probably just quit playing it as I really don't feel like interacting with that part of the game. If it's a sign of things to come for ES6 it's not looking good. We'll see I don't think I've played enough Starfield to have a final verdict, but every time I see one of the 5-6 stations for upgrade/research laying around I roll my eyes and sigh.. I was largely able to ignore all that in FO4 except for setting up a simple trade network for barebones storage sharing and using the two simple stations to upgrade things (worktstation and power armor repair bay).. but I was already at about max capacity with crafting and resource management with that as I don't find it that fun. I'd rather they just allowed something simpler here. We'll see. If I can play it by just straight up buying and doing simple upgrading instead of dealing with all the base building and different types of crafting tables I'll be good. If not.. well.. it'll gather dust.
  10. This is pretty much how it worked in Skyrim as well including Bows and which arrow type you wanted them to use.
  11. There are so many med packs and so much ammo to loot I don't think I've ever gotten close to running out of any of it. Maybe be a little more methodical with combat perhaps you are getting hit too much and wasting ammo?
  12. This pretty much describes their previous games as well. Fast travel straight to something once you actually find it for the first time.. etc.. etc..
  13. I can randomly get 2-digit low times, but just posting a single click isn't enough you have to keep going and see your average. Notice it says "Click to keep going" ..
  14. I just happened upon another terrormorph variant randomly attacking some small scientific base I walked to. So they are out there. 🙂
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