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Everything posted by Dannemand

  1. I voted for NoteBookTalk.com, although I would prefer it to be spelled NotebookTalk (same domain, of course). My logic is to have something that both rings a little of NBR while also being a completely logical name to someone who never knew about NBR. NotebookRevival was my 2nd choice, but a tad too much... well, revival. Like for boomers only (no offsense to anybody). And efgxt, while a cool fresh start, was to me a bit like Smuckers Marmelade: With a name like that, it better be good; Really, really good 😅 I agree with some of the sentiments posted here: 1) Few people refer to laptops as notebooks anymore (I personally don't). But I think NotebookTalk, NBT is OK still. 2) We should want to be the forum of choice for all computer enthusiasts, including desktop users. But there are so many sites for that, particularly once you include mobiles and Raspberry Pi's. So having notebooks/laptops our main focus is a form of differentiation. We can still have sub-forums for other computers. I am even thinking having desktop subforums under the main manufacturers might be a good idea (Dell Desktops, HP Desktops etc) instead of lumping them all into a main Desktop forum. Just a thought. 3) Integration with the NBR archive will (would) be a huge draw pulling in users from Google searches and the like. As it always was on NBR. Thanks again for the hard work to Receiver, Hiew, Aaron and everybody who is involved!
  2. Dick Hyman's rendition of Thelonious Monk's "Well, you needn't" https://tidal.com/browse/track/66105870 And his rendition of Duke Ellington's "Tonk" https://tidal.com/browse/track/66105855 I am no Jazz expert, but these things are absolutely delightful and certain to get anybody's circulation going. They're both part of a massive 100+ tracks release of 5 CDs and a DVD titled "Century of Jazz Piano". Sound quality is fine, though nothing in particular. Reference Recordings (one of my favorite labels for sound quality) has two Dick Hyman albums, playing Ellington and Fats Waller, respectively, which are quite entertaining as well. And fingerbusting, needless to say 😁 https://tidal.com/browse/album/45717350 https://tidal.com/browse/album/45714730
  3. My wife and I watched the new Dune on BluRay last weekend, and REALLY liked it. I read the book as teenager, and liked it, but not a die-hard fan, just one of many books I read at the time. This movie, though, is close to perfect! We gave it 9 stars on IMDB. As a frame of reference, we've only given 10 stars to less than a dozen movies over the years (Shawshank, Gladiator, LOTR 1&3, Titanic, Matrix, Godfather, Lawrence of Arabia, and such).
  4. That's a great idea, John. You could even copy and repost some of the existing sticky's which contain a ton of links to threads and posts. In addition to being useful for members looking for answers, it might also direct Google searches to the live forum instead of to the archive.
  5. Skrowaczewski conducting Bruckner 9th with Minnesota Orchestra on Reference Recordings (Prof. Johnson). https://tidal.com/browse/album/45715306 I like this version best 😁 Check the coda in the 1st movement. Or the pizzicato in the Scherzo. Amazing how they can get it that precise and crisp.
  6. Not only does the community live on, but in case you weren't aware, most of the historical NBR content was archived through an amazing effort by members here:
  7. Thank you. Yeah this was specifically the Rep feature, as opposed to the Like feature. I don't know if it was an add-on to vB, but it might have been, since I haven't seen it elsewhere. And I am almost certain it was developed specifically for NBR after the XenForo migration. They did indeed migrate all the Rep, including comments, as I recall. What was lost was all the Likes at some point in the lead-up to the migration (not during the actual migration). I never heard details of how that happened, and I didn't sense much pressure in pursuing a fix, neither from members nor from other mods. Most said it wasn't that important.
  8. I remember that NBR Rep feature was added as a XenForo add-on after the migration from vB, although I forget if it was an existing plug-in or developed specifically for NBR. Could have been the latter. It had been there forever on vB, and nobody wanted to lose their Rep 😁 The Rep messaging component was nice, I liked that too. Something I am guessing most members weren't aware of: Different from Private Messages, the Rep messages were actually... well, readable by moderators. Probably not a big deal (everything is readable by Admins anyway) but yeah... Edit: For those who are wondering, this clip is from the excellent HBO series Succession. Wait for the dialogue about "We're listening". Hilarious.
  9. True 😁 I should have added that we have @mujtaba to thank for keeping the mod squad together in that mail group!
  10. Thank you! Yes, spot on, that is the Samsung forum FAQ I posted last year. The other similar thread is the Samsung forum Sticky List which also contains a lot of links to other threads and posts. I am just impressed that you are able to put the pieces together at all, and not concerned that it takes a while. Heck, when we migrated from vB to Xen, it took weeks (if not months) before links were resolved. And some never were. I can use the bullet point thread list until then, although most of these FAQ type links are to specific posts rather than to threads. Make sure to attend to life, family, and get some sleep; don't burn yourself out on this project so you get tired of it. Once again thanks for all you do!
  11. Most of the mods that were active the last few years plus a few more are connected through a mail group, and they ARE aware of this and the other migration sites and were watching the efforts unfold. Reactions generally being along the same lines as what @Custom90gt, @John Ratsey and I have posted here. As pointed out, some of us have joined already, either here and/or at notebook-review.com. I think the putting ones feet up slant is spot on: Not all former mods may be ready to resume duty, at least not right away. For my part, I know I wouldn't be able to commit the necessary time, so I am mostly lurking here.
  12. Like others, I am awed by the dedication, professionalism and team spirit of this archiving project. No words can express my admiration and appreciation for @Aaron44126, @Sandy Bridge and @Reciever and others involved. @John RatseyA few months ago I posted my old Samsung FAQ with links to solutions and answers for many older models. Basically the Word document I shared with you about 9 years ago, and which you encouraged me to post as-is -- but which I wanted to polish some more first. As usual, you were right, since I never got to complete said polishing 🙄 Anyways, between that FAQ and our good old Samsung Forum Sticky list, I think we have the older models covered for anyone Googling those model numbers and/or their various issues. Of course that assumes the thread links AND the links inside posts can be resolved, which I believe I am hearing they can and will. Thanks again, guys. You pulled a miracle here!
  13. As I remember it, Reps from superheroes like Chaz or John or others who had BOTH history AND Rep themselves, added a lot of Rep points. I don't remember negative reps. And yes, both as user and mod I liked vBulletin better as well. Speaking of, I just ran out of Thanks/Likes to spend here. I'll have to owe you one. Tomorrow is another day 🙂
  14. @AshtrixYou're spot on with the migrations at Head-Fi and XDA: These things really can kill user stickiness and engagement. In my opinion Head-Fi has come through reasonably. But XDA is lost, if you ask me. I hardly ever go there now, where I used to be fairly active, and a member since 2008. I probably will again some day. I don't know what the better answer is when a site has grown out of its current architecture, as was definitely the case with XDA. Maybe to migrate with as little change in layout and features as possible, then incremental feature changes afterwards. XDA chose to take on everything at once, which is understandable since they also badly needed a redesign. But the loss of users and activity is evident. In addition to outright feature disruptions, I think many tend to underestimate the effect when Likes/Thanks are lost, which seems to be common with migrations (NBR, XDA, I forget if Head-Fi too). Nobody wants to seem vain, and we all say "nah, it's not that important". But that's mostly referring to each member's collective Like/Thanks count. The individual Likes/Thanks on each post is a part of its content, and speaks to its quality (or sometimes just popularity, I guess). If a member has invested much time making a history of quality posts, I believe it can have a discouraging effect when those Likes/Thanks are lost in a migration. So there, I said it 😔
  15. On the topic of TT history and "what happened?": I only came to NBR in 2012, much later than @John Ratsey and @mujtaba and some of the other oldtimers. But boy, the forum really was hopping in those days. And not just in the busiest sections, which kept hopping even when activity in other sections began to drop off. Even with a fairly large team of active mods, you couldn't be away for long without having a backlog of new reports and posts to deal with. Not to mention spam hunting. I found the hidden image SEO spam to be a particularly captivating sport 😁 I believe a turning point was when Chris Leonard left as Admin, as I recall in 2014. The changes in TT may already have been underway, but he still seemed engaged in the forum, worked actively with the mod squad and appreciated their efforts, and was an active liaison between TT and the forum. Ben Rubinstein did a good job too when he took over. But then came the XenForo migration, which I believe had a deeper and more lasting impact. I sensed a drop in member engagement and activity following that. I cannot say if it was the Like/Rep stats lost in migration that hurt stickiness, or the broken links or any other user facing issues. But it seems to me member activity levels never quite recovered to their old levels after that. One curious side effect of the migration was only visible to the mods: Handling of spam and member reports became much more streamlined in XenForo compared to vBulletin. While making the tasks easier for mods, it also led to a dramatic drop in the interaction between us. We used to have lively discussion of most (or many) reports. While XenForo still allowed that (of course) it was a much tighter feature, leading to less discussion and, in turn, less interaction between mods in general. Several mods, myself included, never became as active as they had been before the migration, neither as mods nor as members in their respective sections. Some I haven't seen in years now. Between falling pageviews and the rise of ad blockers, I assume NBR and its sister sites became just as described by others: A property that barely paid its own expenses, let alone justified any investments. While I am dumbfounded while TT didn't allow members (or others) to acquire the site and/or its content, they do deserve appreciation for keeping the lights on for several years after their original decision to shut it down. But here we are now: The precious content was archived, both by archive.org and by the valiant efforts of @Aaron44126 and other contributors to NBRCHIVE. And we have this (and other sites) to keep the community alive. So, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times 🙂
  16. Hello everybody. I signed up the other day and thought it was time to show myself. It is incredibly tragic what TT did. And then rubbing it in by refusing to mention the migration sites created by members. As pointed out by Katalin, Charles had specifically asked for them to show those links, and this request was ignored too -- along with all his other requests. You should all know that TT was ready to shut NBR down already a few years ago, but Charles persuaded them to keep the lights on, although they made clear they wouldn't spend a dime or a minute supporting it. You could say that, until today, they kept both promises 🙄 I don't know what will happen with the domain. I am sure several potential buyers are watching it. Anyways, excellent work being done here. I much look forward to checking the outcome of the archiving project.
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