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  1. @Vasudev@Reciever I will update the guide as soon as I can. Sorry, my work/life has overloaded me for the time being 😞
  2. The single USB-C port on the Asus Tuf A17 (2020 I think) is connected to the Nvidia GPU and is a little picky (e.g. not all USB-C docking stations work on it).
  3. I have an Asus Tuf A17 (Ryzen). I am very happy with the device but I also had to swap out the Realtek Card for something else. Going to soon upgrade the RAM to 32GB (16GB is too little). I am very saddened by the forced "modern sleep" feature in the newer iterations of these laptops.
  4. @VasudevThanks! I'll be definitely add a reference. I'll hopefully get to edit it in a few days 🙂
  5. Moderation tools are massively better. I also wrote a storage guide here and I was pretty happy with the UI. The general opinion about the NBR Xenforo migration was very negative and IIRC we lost users due to that. Not only the ad infestation was terrible (fixed that with adblock), it was was also pretty ugly. Xenforo also broke the rep system.
  6. @K4sum1Thanks for your feedback regarding the forum software. But let's look at it this way: at the end of the day, it is @Reciever and @Hiew who are putting the legwork and going through the trouble of keeping the forums running and really, everyone uses what they are most comfortable with*. As a mod who has tinkered with efgxt, NBR Xenforo and the older NBR vBulletin, I can tell you that efgxt has significantly better software. At this point, curating content and users is a far larger concern, as they are the key things that make or break online communities. And having invested in so much effort to get the forum working to this state, throwing it all away to switch to something else is massive waste of effort. Being a bit more in the know, @Reciever and @Hiew are planning a lot of cool things like NBR classic theme and some other goodies. So I doubt that switching the forum software is worth the effort. * e.g. I fail to understand how Mac OS X users don't lose their minds running that piece of software, but I have seen people that are productive with it.
  7. Hi people. I moved this thread to the upgrades forum as we think it is a more suitable place (a redirect will stay in the original place for 30 days). I suggest you include a link to one or more good videos on thermal paste application. It may not be easy for a beginner to apply just the right amount of thermal paste required 🙂
  8. I did talk about it in the" X-point" section, but I do think I need to revisit it again. Thanks for your suggestion. As for benchmarks, I do think it is better to have a dedicated benchmarks thread.
  9. @John Ratsey Woah, I have no idea how I missed your post. I've been pretty busy for the past few days. Thank you very much John! I inserted the images! So are there any suggestions on what to include next? Thanks!
  10. I think it is better for our fledgling community to go with the name change sooner than later. I think its more difficult to gather steam with a placeholder name.
  11. There are some global blacklists for spambots.
  12. That's absolutely right! Thanks! I also forgot to add the citation to Wikimedia for the photo, which I just added.
  13. Rep also had the nice feature of supporting personal messages, which often made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I checked my rep messages on NBR a couple of days ago. That took me back to many years ago... There is no doubt that some people will abuse a system like rep (as we knew that some NBR members did). But I mean, as there is no monetary compensation, people might as well enjoy recognition from their peers.
  14. Do you want to setup something like ElasticSearch to provide content search? I hate ES with the passion of a thousand burning suns, but I think it works well enough, especially for static data. Google isn't very good at finding anything anymore 😞
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