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  1. jhelton48

    HP 8740w

    https://forums.laptopvideo2go.com/topic/34429-how-to-mod-and-sign-nvidia-drivers-with-tpu-nvcleanstall/ I do have a HP 8740 And HP 8770 with Nvidia GTX 970M in both.
  2. jhelton48

    HP 8740w

    You will have to mod driver for it to work. Or use NVCleanstall to work.
  3. jhelton48

    HP 8740w

    As long as it is a HP video card should be fine on vbios. You will have to get a nvidia heatsink. I had to dremal my heatsink to make it fit. Video driver will be the hard part.
  4. jhelton48

    HP 8740w

    Mine has a GTX 970M in it. So order Nvidia heatsink.
  5. jhelton48

    HP 8770w

    My wife had been battling cancer her whole life. 37 years fighting it and it finally took her life. At least i know she's not hurting anymore. Thank you HP 8740w is what i was using before i started on the HP8770w. Both have the GTX 970m. HP8770w are good laptops and i love both of the laptops i have. Get the HP 8770w if you can. Need me help on any of this let me know. And i thank you
  6. jhelton48

    HP 8770w

    I was actually building this laptop for my wife. But she never got to use it. Sadly she passed away from terminal cancer February 15, 2022
  7. jhelton48

    HP 8770w

    This is my setup HP 8770W or HP 8740 both work with same docking station.
  8. jhelton48

    HP 8770w

    GTX 1060 will work as long as its dreamcolor display
  9. I have been using IC Diamond for a couple of years now. No problems for me at this point.
  10. My name is Johnny and i was a member on NotebookReview. Didn't really post that much on the forum. Just used it for information gathering for my laptops. HP 8740w and HP 8770w. Both have GTX 970M installed in them. Thank you for all the info to make it work.
  11. jhelton48

    HP 8770w

    Didn't overclock anything. The dock works with both HP 8770w and HP 8740w. That way i can switch them out.
  12. jhelton48

    HP 8740w

    I have DVDRW in the dock.
  13. jhelton48

    HP 8770w

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