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Meaker last won the day on April 27

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  1. I never had internal G-Sync but external is flawless and yeah 1920Mhz locked clocks in games is very helpful.
  2. I never had internal G-Sync but external is flawless and yeah 1920Mhz locked clocks in games is very helpful.
  3. I'm still making my way through forbidden west and playing at 4k with quality DLSS while streaming allocating 15GB of vram lol./
  4. 1720mhz vs 1920mhz core clock wise, yeah the shunt mod helps a fair bit with that.
  5. Did not measure it but the exact value will vary card to card.
  6. About 65C. Here are my steel nomad results: https://www.3dmark.com/sn/13726
  7. If it's from the same source others have it should. Mine has had a hundred or so hours of load and no issues so far.
  8. I'm not sure 3200Mhz 64GB was ever shipped in them, what BIOS are you running and what memory/voltage tweaks have you got access to?
  9. https://www.3dmark.com/spy/47636486 Got it to 14k with a 14773 graphics score.
  10. I got sent it after requesting and donating for it, we have worked together for a long time.
  11. https://www.3dmark.com/spy/47636486 That's my timrspy 3080 mobile run. I'll be swapping direction of the water which I think will help the cpu.
  12. This sort of curve will do it. Not the same card just an example. It won't exceed the clock/voltage of where it goes flat. You can shift select and drag down all the values after the voltage you want to lower than your last value and it will auto flatten. my results: https://www.3dmark.com/spy/47636486
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