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Meaker last won the day on April 27

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  1. I got this gamerfied adjustable office chair in the cheapest colour I liked.
  2. If you need the storage space it's hard to beat.
  3. This should keep my wife going for a bit. Old system: I7 4770, 16GB DDR3 1600, 500GB SATA SSD, 750GB + 4TB HDD New system: Ryzen 7 7700, 32GB DDR5 6000, 1TB NVME SSD, 22TB addressable (3x12TB HDD in raid 5) HDD
  4. They do a lot of vaccine delivery and outbreak assistance.
  5. So long as you were middle to upper class and white and cis gender/straight and male.
  6. What you are hitting are the limits of the IO die I think. The 9800X3D showed some productivity gains as it was relieving some of the pressure on it.
  7. That's like with cars saying you changed the oil and other accessories in half the time the manual states and are fine, that's still the failure of the manufacturer to give proper dates for service. It's a failure of the product, some of which were running in server environments with power limits and could still kill themselves. It's just not good enough IMO, same with the AMD side of things. Then to lie, take ages to admit something was going on and rejecting warranties is so scummy.
  8. Intel way better, you get the 13th and 14th gen, with the 14th gen being the 13th gen just binned slightly higher and free corrosion in 13th gen amd degredation in both. A bargain.
  9. You are better trying to push 6200/6400 with matching infinity fabric clocks (2066/2133) though IIRC?
  10. https://www.3dmark.com/spy/47636486 My max was 1900-1950Mhz before voltage was the main limiting factor, the GPU core was at 60-65C.
  11. It's usually a shunt resistor and monitor with an inbuilt limit on the readings on the BIOS. A hardware shunt mod would be a way around this usually.
  12. Raid 5 for these 🙂 They are 7200RPM enterprise seagate drives. Pretty quiet actually, I booted everything up for a test and initialised an array and did some basic tests.
  13. There are some interesting productivity cases where I think the I/O die is holding the 9000 series silicon back and the cache is helping ease that so that the 9950X3d which could actually really benefit given the restrictions. I'll be interested in the benchmarks.
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