Current world record timespy for laptops with the Prometheus is sleeping on a lot of folks. I think the LPP is going to be unbeatable, only possible competitor is Clevo or MSI thick builds (GT77), and appears the Eluktronics Prometheus is easily beating GT77 by several hundred points. This new Tongfang has finally become directly competitive with the best available builds in performance.
Two weaknesses with the Prometheus.
1. No G sync screen- means to get variable refresh rate on the screen (freesync) you'll take a performance hit routing through iGPU unless using external monitor. There are
2. Keyboard sucks per reviews. Legion, GT77, Alienware, Omen, many zephyrus ASUS models all have great keyboards out of the box these days with great non-mushy key travel, some clicky-ness with a mild mechanical feel. If one is dropping $2k+ on a laptop little things like key feel start to become quite important. The Mech 15 G3 obviously does not have this issue, but there is no 'Mech 17' tongfang with the latest internals and LPP available in the US market as far as I can tell. If one needs the smaller size the Mech15 G3 is obviously a good choice but the best performance will always be in larger 16-17"+ models along with the extra screen real estate/keyboard room.