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Everything posted by FTW_260

  1. Hi all. I'm back with good news. I've picked up H410 MB and searched some memory sticks to test my i7-10700 after my socket problem - and CPU is alive! Booting to BIOS successfully and saw two memory chanels active and get a picture on the display. I found a man in my city who can only change the burnt legs in the socket separately, and this morning after completely disassembling the laptop (spent an hour on this), I went to him with only one board. (so many screws here ) We spent another hour working on replacing the legs. With the help of the bottom heating and a soldering gun, with great difficulty, the old legs were removed. According to the assurances of the man who did the work, the legs on the server boards are removed with such difficulty. After that, new donor legs were installed, and adjacent legs were checked for their flexibility. The following picture is the final result after cleaning under a microscope: Already at home, after the final assembly, I put everything together and was finally able to check everything properly. Everything works as before, as if nothing had happened.
  2. I think so, especially with wery large and heavy air-coolers.
  3. I just tried to bend the legs to their original position, and started the laptop with a known working CPU. On the third try, but it worked. Thus, the problem is the lack of sufficient clamping of the legs in the socket, which must be solved either by replacing the problem legs, or by completely replacing the socket on the MB. This is not a complete recovery, I will finally calm down after solving the problem with the MB and testing the good old 10700 fried with legs. With this I have to agree completely. Booted only with a light tightening of the screws on the heatsink. While I will not experiment with increasing the pressure, I will do this after repairing the board.
  4. While testing one of @ViktorV theories from PM, I took the laptop off the shelf and tried turning it on again. And he turned on! with celeron inside) There is a picture on display, everything works properly. I won’t try on 10700 yet, first I need to deal with the socket. The motherboard is alive, how glad I am. To be honest, I never doubted it. Even on the old P775 there were no problems with starting Pentiums or Celerons. Thank you. Of course, I planned to change the CPU, but not in this way)
  5. I also thought so, but it seems to me that if this were the case, then the GPU would die. Rather yes. I fixed the multiplier on my 10700 at x46 with TS + 50mV UV. The video card is also slightly tuned to 1990@0.975V. In this mode, the laptop worked fine for two months. Today I took a new celeron. Before installing it, I tried to pry up the bent legs with a needle and realized that most likely the test with a new CPU would not help.( The legs have lost their flexibility, and after lifting them with a needle, after closing the CPU in the socket, they again return to the wrong position. I tried installing a new CPU and doing a test run. The symptoms have not changed, there is no picture. In a couple of days, the MB with H410 chipset should arrive to check the processor, I'll write here according to the results. In the meantime, I will try to find a trusted service center that will undertake to re-solder the socket on the motherboard.
  6. @ViktorV Unfortunately no. Normal use on a desk without an external display. There was also nothing related to the display. I also looked that these pins are related to the display, and I can not find a relationship with anything.(
  7. Hi all. Yesterday, when starting BF2042, the laptop froze and began to make strange sounds from the speakers. I turned it off with the button, but it didn't turn back on. (there was no picture on the display) After several iterations of attempts to diagnose something, and a couple of hours I looked under the CPU and saw the following there: Some of the pins in the socket are clearly fried, and there are barely noticeable burnout points on the CPU in this place. The photo was taken with phone on a tripod with x7 zoom. To understand if the MB works, I ordered the cheapest Celeron G5900 and a motherboard based on the H410 chipset for CPU test. I'm waiting for delivery in a few days, but I have the worst feeling. ( I checked the video card, it works fine in the old P775TM.
  8. Rare owners of prema-bios for X170SM, tell me please - does it support Intel 11th gen?
  9. Approximately, what modifications are we talking about? It's worth it 100% I ordered a full cooper IHS, will deal with these temperatures. 👊🏻 10700 non-K for now, while looking for something suitable at a good price.
  10. Hello everyone in this thread. Thanks to friend @wilpang for his wonderful X170SM. I want to ask if there are owners with delid CPUs and liquid metal on top? How much does it actually improve temperatures? With XTU, I removed the limits on my 10700, it works freely at 4600 MHz and consumes up to 140W in peaks. Since I managed to lower the voltage with XTU only by 70mV, the temperatures reach up to 85-88 degrees in a long BF2042 session. Therefore, I want to understand what is worth it in the first place, or do everything) (delid, replace IHS on CPU, liquid metal instead of paste and maybe even a frame for direct contact)
  11. Payment completed, waiting for delivery.
  12. Hi all. Together with @Prema, we tried a bunch of different settings in the BIOS, and always the result with freezing on the desktop remained the same. To be honest, I was tired of figuring out what could be the matter, and just bought a successfully turned up 8086K, and overclocked it to 5 GHz in a few clicks. A little later, I will change the IHS for it to a higher one, but so far, everything is fine. Thanks everyone for the advice. The thought does not leave me that this is just a unique incompatibility of the processor and the motherboard.
  13. For some reason, it seems to me that the problem is not in the BIOS, but the truth is that I no longer have any idea what it could be...
  14. @Mr. Fox it will be very sad if I have to flash the factory bios for this CPU. This is an extreme measure, I tried to write @Prema to the mail, suddenly I'm lucky again... Maybe @Meaker can confirm that his 9900KS really required 1.07.PM3 bios version?
  15. Hello everyone on the new forum! Faced a strange problem on my laptop P775TM-G with Prema mod. Bought two days ago 9900KS instead of QN8G. (8700K ES) But after installing a new processor, I was able to boot into my old system with great difficulty. (on the fourth try and only in safe mode, because the Windows startup stuck on the Windows loading screen (circle of dots)) Now, after several system startups, even with the help of safe mode, it fails to boot. I've tried: 1) Reset the BIOS completely by removing the battery; 2) Boot from live usb to check if the problem is in the old Windows; 3) Remove 3 of the 4 memory modules, and boot with only one; 4) Reinstall Windows on a completely different drive, but I can't even get to the stage where the installation interface appears. At the same time, with the old CPU everything works properly. The 9900KS itself works great in another PC. That is, now I'm stuck on the fact that any attempt to boot up or do something outside the BIOS, rests on the system freezing. @Papusan @Mr. Fox @Prema maybe you have some ideas? Prema Mod version on my laptops is 1.07.PM2, thats already support RTX and 9th Gen CPU.
  16. The good old sorting by topics, as it was in the NBR, fully met all the requirements, I see no reason to radically change something in this regard.
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