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Everything posted by reallango

  1. Sorry I vanished for a little bit. Had to ignore the laptop for a little while as it had me too frustrated. Decided to look back and see what was said before I try anything else. Love the look of that water cooled heatsink but can't see myself spending 400$ all in on that currently. Maybe if I can get it working decently enough to feel like a nice upgrade would be worth it. Was thinking I would order some new thermal pads before pulling everything back off. Any suggestions on what would be a good brand? Like the idea of a multi-size pack so I can make sure I get the right size in there.
  2. When I did the thermal paste I did a central application and checked the spread. I usually do my thermal paste this way to try and keep from overdoing it and to verify I'm getting a good contact. The spread appeared about as even as I would expect. I also payed close attention to the pads and they looked to be properly placed and didn't appear to be causing any issues with the positioning of the heatsink. Not discounting the possibility that the heatsink isn't making good enough contact however and I will go ahead and pull it apart for another look and a few tests to see if I can verify it's making the best contact possible. @solidus1983 Good suggestion on the worker count. I'll give that a try and see what happens. I'm familiar with the process from a previous suggested mod in warzone. Curious question. Is there a replacement heatsink setup I could possibly get that may work better? Not sure if a replacement from another brand laptop would mate up properly in the sager case but if the price isn't outrageous I'd be willing to try. I know in a lot of laptops that isn't really an options but figured since this is a sought after setup and multiple companies use the same board it could be possible. I of course can try and research myself just figured I'd ask here first in case somebody has experience with it. Edit: I forgot to add that yes this is all completely stock. No overclocking or mods.
  3. Ok I've updated the BIOS an EC using the XMG versions. I appreciate the link. I was close right about the one I needed but ended up on the older MB version of it somehow. I used HWinfo and checked while running TimeSpy but numbers didn't get too bad temp wise. I did attach the temp that was reported during the test by 3DMark. I tried running warezone with HWinfo running and I've attached an image of the stats. I didn't have the laptop placed in the best area for this test. So numbers could be a few degreed lower if placed in the optimal location for the machine to breathe. I did redo the thermal paste before doing this test and one thing I noticed was that the cpu/gpu cooler on this Sagear version shares thermal pipes between the CPU and the GPU. I have also noticed that warezone is a CPU intensive game. So I'm wondering if the CPU is heating up and causing the GPU to go even higher due to the shared pipes.
  4. Well I haven't done too much with it yet except try and play CoD Warzone. Which during my GPU temperature got up to about 97 and the game was running buggy and crashing. I since played on my normal laptop and noticed that some of the issues may be Warzones fault from the recent update. And I was running in performance mode so switching to entertainment would possibly help the temp issue. Although I am planning on replacing the thermal paste and checking the heatsinks are all in place properly. Of course one of the other issues is how loud the fans are. which could be happening worst if I'm having a heatsink issue. I wanted to do XMG's Drivers and BIOS/FW but didn't see which where the correct ones for the X170SM. Could you provide a link for them it would be greatly appreciated. I work in the IT field so updating the BIOS/FW should be easy enough if I can just find the correct one. Honestly the reason I got it was because nobody else wanted to deal with the fan noise.
  5. Well I see there is much less talk in here then the KM page. Which sucks since I just got an SM and am trying to figure out best firmware and drivers for it. I was given a Sager NP9670M from a coworker and have been having some trouble getting it setup and running steady. As it's a work computer it was given to me with Win 11 ent installed. The drivers weren't done. I've noticed the drivers on Sager's site are outdated and was hoping somebody might know what the best drivers I can use for this laptop are. Also being a Sager I can't get the Prima bios everyone speaks so highly of. But is there another Bios for this guy that someone can suggest?
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