SODIMM modules have exactly the size they are designed for - up to 2*8(9) chips. this is their physical limitation - chip have standard sizes. Inventing some new carrier for all the same chips with the same capacity, it is foolish to believe that the size of this module will be less than sodimm with the same number of those de chips. on one CAMM module, as in the pictures, you can exactly see the same amount - 2 * 8 * 2 with DSDR - this is a maximum of 64 GB for 16Gb chips. For 128GB, this should be either a double-sized module with the number of chips 2 * 2 * 8 * 2, or chips of a double capacity (which no one has yet seen live and it is not known whether they exist at the moment ), but then it is possible to assemble a couple of SODIMM modules