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  1. I have recently had a new problem, but I don't know whether it's my computer, Thunderbird, or a combination of the two. I have searched for this problem in Thunderbird fora, but to no avail. I am seeing malformed characters in e-mail messages sent to me. I use Thunderbird as my client. I have not noticed this on any other program (like LibreOffice, Chrome, etc.) I have attached a screen shot of some of the strange characters I'm seeing. I see these regardless of whether I am using Tbird in dark or light mode, and regardless of whether my laptop is docked. This is all on the internal display. As you will see, the first "t" of a double-t has the crossbar more or less whited out, as do some of the bottoms of "m"s. I checked my partner's Tbird for these same messages, and his is displaying correctly (M6700). Any ideas what rabbit holes I should investigate for this?
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