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Everything posted by nk950357

  1. Yeah, the EQ and effects are fine, but stuff like the mic and sharing sound won't work anymore since that tab's disappeared.
  2. The latest version works! but nahimic only shows setting tabs. how to solev it? thanks!
  3. Mine is HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0899&SUBSYS_146211D6&REV_1000 HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0899&SUBSYS_146211D6 Before the app couldn't start properly, all of nahimic function include UI works perfectly, DCH works normally too. Recently I found that fx still works but UI couldn't launch so I gave reinstall it a try, then result in not working. I also tried aaf optimus sound which modified the Realtek driver to support almost all of fx such as Nahimic, dolby, Sound Blaster, etc. The modified version of nahimic by AAF doesn't work too. Tried for two days and I found neither MSI modified version by @solidus1983 nor modified version by AAF works. Currently I'm using sonic studio 3 by AAF modified version instead. I really like that SS3 supports different devices with different profile.
  4. Sorry, My GV62VR 7RF's nahimic keeps gave me this error: Tried full uninstall and reinstall it, using ddu to complete remove it, both of them not works. Tried different version and either APO3 or APO4, none of them work. Is there any fix or something I missing to do? Thanks. My Windwos version is Win10 22H2
  5. Wow! Long time no see! Great to see you keeping work on this mod, a really big thanks! Tried latest driver, APOV4 won't work on GV62VR 7RF@Win10 21H1, it says not supported, and there's no nahimic audio effects component show up in software components. APOv3 everything works perfectly. Thanks for great work!
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