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Everything posted by gmm

  1. Some good news. An automatic Windows update resolved the problem.
  2. Thank you for the reply. I'm not certain whether it coincided with any video update, but it's a clue. Pressing ALT-F4 results in a menu opening with options to: Switch user, sign out, shutdown, and restart. There is no sleep option. I will perhaps try system restore.
  3. Also, my sleep function has vanished too. Now I only have the options of shutdown and restart. I can put it to sleep with a quick push of the power button, but the option has vanished from the start panel.
  4. The ability to change brightness on My MSI Notebook with Windows 10 has mysteriously vanished. I used to use the FN+ brightness keys up and down to make adjustments, but it stopped working, yet strangely, the FN+volume buttons still work. When I go to Settings>Display, it's not there either. I've tried everything I can think of? Any ideas of what happened or how I can fix this?
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