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  1. Hi, First post, please have pity on me :-). Hardware side was not my strongest suit. What I have learned from this group (and a similar one that use to be elsewhere, but was closed down) has been lot to digest. Question on ECC vs. non-ECC: 1) Am I losing a lot of memory speed going ECC vs. non-ECC? 2) Should I really worry about using ECC? My use will primarily programming, office stuff and maybe some gaming; no scientific work. Right now, I have a m6700 (like the layout better than what I see on 7770), I do not really know of a way to know if I had a memory bit error or not? A number of crashes in recent times, but this could be age. 3) How to judge how much speed improvement I get with the faster memory? Is that more needed with scientific than the programming and gaming? I'm asking about the ECC vs. non-ECC because I see that I lot of people want to order the 7770 ask soon as possible, so I assume they are not worried about ECC since I understand that to come out later. Any idea how long before it will come out? Separate question on wifi: On the m6700 there is a switch to turn on and off wifi (I believe it is more software than hardware on/off). How do you do that on the newer machines, such as 7770? Is there an icon on the desktop where you can do it quickly? If I had they ethernet plugged in (1Gb) or the type-c to ethernet (>1Gb), will it automatically default to the faster of those that is plugged in? Thanks for any help, Douglas
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