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the jg89

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  1. For some reason when I'm viewing youtube videos my screen strongly flickers ,usually when I want to make the video bigger or go full screen, is this a driver issue by any chance? I don't have this problem with other stuff I swapped out my gtx 1080 with an rtx 2080 mxm earlier on
  2. Just wondering when undervolting the cpu with control centre, do you select Adaptive or Override?
  3. If only there was someone that can build custom laptop parts for you, now that would be something 😄
  4. And no problems whatsoever? like the laptop shutting down suddenly? That hasn't happened to me though but wondering if that's happened.
  5. interesting just wondering, how low did you manage to get with the new heatsink?
  6. I guess roughly the same, did you undervolt by any chance? I've been wanting to try that but don't want something bad to happen I figure I leave it alone for now and maybe try later.
  7. The new heatsink normally went into the 80s then the normal one I used 12.8 k thermal pads from thermal oddesey and arctic mx 6 thermal paste, even used your advice on thermal pad placement but still the cpu was hotter than gpu side, gpu stuck close to the 60s - 70s.
  8. Barely did anything, just swapped back to the old heatsink now(seemed to yield better results 😞 do you think it's because the underside isn't copper coloured cause I noticed that with my original heatsink
  9. Would be pretty convenient if these were sold on ebay I mean if they're willing of course, I can pay 80 for them if that's enough
  10. The green is 3mm and the purple is 4mm starting to think the original heatsink was better ^_^'
  11. quick question what thickness did you use for the cpu side of the board? just applied my heatsink and for some reason the cpu side is hotter than usual, just thinking that thepad thickness might be different for this heatsink
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