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Reciever last won the day on September 23

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About Reciever

  • Birthday July 11

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    D! For Dragon!

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  1. So payroll screwed up and I didn't get paid, had to sell my 3090 to keep the house running. That week was rolled over and treated as OT. Now I'm eyeballing the red devil 7900 xtx. Any reason I should avoid?
  2. That has more to do with using lvds VS the quadro I think. Haven't tested that personally as I used the 1060 and 1070. My temps stayed at 54c with max fan speed with the 5 heatpipe heatsink from ebay. Should be the yellow wire iirc. I used liquid metal once I was done testing, otherwise I used nth1 iirc
  3. 4940mx isnt worth the trouble, silicon lottery was poor for it, 4930mx will do fine. Also if you are using Compal EC via HWInfo64 to force max fan speed then you will lose the GPU fan as a result. I got around this by cutting the control wire and just let the fan run full speed. Otherwise you can alter the fan tables with an MX chip in the unlocked sBIOS iirc. A14+ is a good choice, though there are other options too. Some people install a simple on/off switch for when you want EC to control things and when you want to keep temps as low as possible. If you want to get the max performance from the CPU you will likely need to look at what digits to punch into the bios for forcing max power allowance (that can be later controlled via software if desired). There is also a means to "unlock" the haswell chips to behave like an MX chip as well. I believe there is a thread on the forums for that topic. For best input lag I would recommend PEG mode instead of SG. Happy trials, I had a lot of fun experimenting on my Ranger back when I had it :) Also you signature is way to large, please reduce its footprint to 8 lines.
  4. Didnt know, I use a clear case for my 7 Pro and attach what I want to that, for now a magnet for my car mount. The Texas heat would just make a mess of most adhesives so applying directly to the phone seemed like a non starter.
  5. You can remove old pictures as the limit is tied to your account or use a 3rd party hosting site as it will embed fairly well.
  6. Welcome to the Forums!
  7. @Developer79 please dot not triple post. Thanks
  8. You are welcome to PM me. Content removed and warnings issued.
  9. There will be changes that also occur over time as well. Its not as if the current layout is set in stone never to change. There are a few things I am aiming to achieve though now we have a testbed thanks to Hiew's efforts. Not if some of them are possible but we'll how it goes. The forum wont be going anywhere :) Im looking forward to what we can do with this forum and the community that I cherish
  10. I have seen this instance (not aware of the previously mentioned thread off the top of my head) and have thinking on it for a little while. While there was certainly quite a bit of excitement surrounding the LGA + MXM aspects of mobile tech, its EOL use cases arent the reason we created this forum. We created the forum because I wanted to stay in touch with as many members of NBR who were active as well as try to maintain the culture that the forum had. There will be some changes that will be required of its members to acknowledge which will irritate some Im sure but it will diversify the content which will allow the forum to show up on more searches. While members like @Mr. Fox and @Papusan are very vocal about their positions you also have quite a bit more members like @jaybee83 and @electrosoft who are much more mild in their approaches. Both are perfectly viable and welcome! There isnt an inherit limitation on the forum to only have dialogue surrounding laptops. If there is any topics that you may want to bring to the table but unsure if its permissible there isnt any reason to not reach out to me. At the moment we are working on some things in the backend so we can test some of things we have been pondering about for a while, Im hoping that this will bear fruit for those interested in the near future.
  11. Doesnt even have QMK, which is largely seen as one of the larger developments for keyboard products.
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