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  1. I value speed more than security, which is why I want Non-FIPS fingerprint reader Security measures such as fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, and passwords are based on the operating system to protect data security, and do not encrypt the data itself. I think these measures are just to prevent some boring and harmless people from using your computer casually. There is a Chinese proverb: 防君子不防小人, which means that you cannot stop someone who is determined to steal your data through the above measures, because they can access your data by directly removing SSD (so it seems that the SSD door can indeed make it easier for these people), if you are really worried about data leakage, you might as well use the Bitlocker feature.
  2. The Chinese interface for Precision 7670&7770 is online, and interestingly, the Geforce 3080Ti option appears on the web page. https://www.dell.com/zh-cn/shop/工作站/dell-mobile-precision-7670/spd/precision-16-7670-laptop/awm7670_vp (My rep told me that due to the small demand for mobile workstations, Dell Chinese website usually does not show the latest machines in a timely manner, but it can still be purchased through the sales rep) Please forget about the quotes on the web page, the prices given on the web page are usually very high, but buying through a sales rep will give you a big discount, as is usually the case in China Now I have some doubts about 7670 I don't need SmartCard reader(just because I don't want SC slot apper), but wish to have NFC and Non-FIPS fingerprint reader,is this requirement achievable? What should I choose to ensure that there is no SC slot? .Also how do I choose to make sure the SSD door doesn't appear? 136W total when CPU and GPU are fully loaded,then how to allocate power between CPU and GPU?
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