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Everything posted by ShinYura

  1. Thanks for the suggestions @Reciever i followed through what @Maxware79 pointed out and a painless process got it up and running again. Then I went into igpx updated the intel driver then switched to sg mode where I tested 2 nvidia driver versions before 478.XX did the trick! XD time for some benchmarks. Also found NVcleainstall during this process through another thread and is a great tool for installing custom drivers, does all the work no need to modify drivers!
  2. That's pretty simple I'll do that tonight thanks but here is what prompted the switch to discrete. I was trying to run Phantasy Star Online 2, game never gets past a black screen I could only hear intro playing (can skip) and then nothing. I then downgraded nvidia from 474.11 to 390.65 thinking its driver related. Ran PSO2 again, same thing. Then through running Devil May Cry 4s benchmark there it specified I was running under HD 4000 gpu. Is this normal? I was also getting 13fps average or something there in which doesn't seem right for a 2008 game up against a 1070. Was my laptop not running under the 1070? Time to go back into bios it seems
  3. Sorry lol i reread what i posted and it was a typo. The result of the 8 beeps was me switching over to discrete gpu from integrated
  4. In my case yesterday I switched to discrete gpu and my system now only produces the 8 beeps and no video. Hope that the mobo is not totally done for? i have a 1070 in R2
  5. Hey @GMP could you share your nvdmi.inf for the driver you used in m18x r2? I have the 1070 set up but fail at the driver installation i am getting "The System cannot find the file specified" when installing
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