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    Idiot with a Linux Desktop (Dell laptop retired)

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  1. I haven't physically upgraded anything on my crappy laptop, but I have installed a modified VBIOS on the K3100M to give it a performance boost(1124MHz core 1.075v, 2600MHz VRAM).
  2. I found this TechInferno thread(https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/topic/10170-hardware-mod-980m-to-desktop-980-core-upgrade/) that talks about transplanting desktop GM204 980 dies onto 980M PCBs(OP did this because they damaged the chip and couldn't cheaply get a replacement card. they also got the monstrosity working in windows, with benchmarks) and I was wondering, would it be worth transplanting desktop GPU dies onto laptop PCBs that use the same sort of chip? You would need quite the beefy cooling solution to keep the chip cool, or just a dead chip to replace. I mean, the answer obviously is a big, fat, many-O'd NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, but still.
  3. I own a Pinephone(2GB model) with Mobian, while in concept it's cool, in practice it wasn't that cool, as app support is still a bit abysmal(Even with Waydroid, which I couldn't even get working) as most apps either wont run at all, or are not optimized for phone screens. I just use a Galaxy Note 8 in it's place.
  4. Still rocking Mobile Haswell here(4600M), though I will upgrade to a Ryzen desktop soon.
  5. The last time I flashed this exact vbios on my K3100M, it would throw an error probably related to the drivers when attempting any 3D worklead(Fixed by reflashing stock vbios). Is there any way to prevent this?
  6. Sadly, the GPU obviously is in an odd place for an MXM graphics card, breaking compatibility with basically everything.
  7. Well, that sucks, but will this sorta RTX 3000 work with the stock heatsink? I'm sure the bits are short enough to not hit any protruding bits on the heatsink.
  8. Hello, would a GTX 970M with only 2 R22s instead of 3 work with the unmodified Nvidia heatsink?
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