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SilverAzide last won the day on September 15 2022

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  1. Yes, installed it on my personal 7770 and it is working fine, but I should mention that 1.18 ALSO worked fine for me. I'm about to try it on my work 7770, which is about 6 months newer but was never updated past 1.16. Fingers crossed. Update: Both my 7770 laptops patched with v1.20.1 with no issues. It takes a scary-long time for the machines to reboot before applying the update, but eventually it works.
  2. I've seen the post about setting the IA AC/DC LoadLine, and the many references to this post... but can someone please tell me (and others) exactly how to implement this? I'm not a total newb, but everyone seems to know what these instructions mean, but there's nothing I can find that says where or how to set these values, or with what. I'm not too proud to read a "Fixing your LoadLine for Dummies" post... Also, is it official yet that I seem to be the proud owner of the worst-performing 7x70 of anyone here? 😢😣 On the flipside, so far the laptop has been rock-solid... just runs hot. It's a zillion times faster than my old M8600 beater, so I can't really complain that much.
  3. The WD22TB4 will not charge the laptop, you will need to plug in both the dock and the laptop. The WD19DC/S will charge the laptop, according to Dell. According to the WD22TB4 docs, it does not list any refresh rate over 60Mhz, so it seems you would need to connect the monitors to the laptop directly.
  4. Not sure if I believe the BIOS... *or* the specs from Intel. I've seen the 0.8 Ghz, but I haven't hit anything over 4.9 Ghz.
  5. Err, I'm confused... I've been using a U3014 for years with various Precision M6x00 machines via HDMI at 2560x1600 with no issues (using the nVidia card only; I turned off the Intel GPU). I briefly tried it with my 7770 while waiting for a new monitor to show up and it worked fine too. I tried using it via DP-to-mini-DP with my older Precision machines and hated it (the video looked awful compared to HDMI, no idea why). I'm now using an U3023E USB-C hub monitor and the off-axis picture quality stinks, I like the U3014 better -- better off-axis viewing, better soundbar options, better matte screen finish. I like all the connectivity of the U3023 tho, so I'm keeping them both...
  6. Nope, no problems so far. The one and only annoyance, and this is really really minor (for now) is that there is a tiny fan inside the dock. And it runs All. The. Time. I'm wondering just how long it will be before it craps out. You have to put your ear right next to it to hear it (at least until it starts to fail), but the faint hum is there....
  7. I'm using the Thunderbolt 4 dock, WD22TB4. The downside to this dock it is can't power the laptop by itself, so you still need the power brick. The other dock people use (and which Dell actually recommends) is the WD19DC/S one, which can power the laptop if you use both USB-C connections. I wanted the TB4 connections, so I went with the TB dock.
  8. Just curious if the experts on this forum have any observations on this particular 7770? It's stock and untweaked in any way. Results seem pretty similar to the OPs machine? It's got the RTX 4500, if that matters. The core temps are kind of concerning, especially since they hit the max really easily and quickly, but I don't know much about how recent CPUs are supposed to behave. My previous machines were a 6600, 6700, and my current daily driver is a 6800. They almost never hit the max CPU temps, even with all cores pegged at 100% for hours at a time. Also, HWiNFO doesn't show any fans. This seems typical for Dell, as Martin (the HWiNFO dev) hasn't found the secret to get this info from recent machines. Just checking if others see the same thing?
  9. Really dumb question... Is there a trick to opening the SSD door on the 7770? I've pried as much as I've dared and I can't get it open.
  10. My laptop arrived today... woohoo! Ordered July 7. Here's some unboxing pr0n for those who like such things. Nothing in the box other than the laptop (in a soft cloth bag) and the charging brick.
  11. After delaying my order twice and pushing the second delivery date from September 19 to September 26, Dell just sent me an email that says, in effect, that my order is UN-delayed. Shipped today (already in Chicago) and should arrive Wednesday the 14th, which is even earlier than my first delay date. Okie dokie... can't really complain then, can I?
  12. Actually, after I cancelled I got a notification that the cancellation could not be processed. So I went ahead and accepted the delay and it seems everything is back to the way it was. I guess the order was too far along in the process?
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