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Everything posted by vik1ng_w0w

  1. Short video of the problem (Power LED turns on then immediately off and repeats; no display let alone BIOS). Specs in signature. I had posted a thread some time earlier about a swollen battery that I assumed was freezing my laptop until I had to reboot. The problem seemingly went away only to come back in the now battery-less laptop (since I can't find a Clevo replacement battery here- out of stock or suspicious unsatisfactory responses). It started happening again recently when the laptop started freezing and crashing as soon as I picked it up, moved it slightly sometimes or sometimes even while typing in the keyboard, as if putting pressure is causing some electrical error. I opened and examined it and cleaned up just in case including the RAM and SSD. I've been using liquid metal since I bought it and only repasted it twice taking extreme care and am confident I've not spilled it anywhere and also changed to PTM7950 this summer. Until today I somehow made do by putting some very slight pressure on the chassis at various points which seemed to work, but today morning onwards it's not starting at all- no display and immediately turning off as soon as the LEDs light up. Any help or suggestion would be highly appreciated. Ideally I'd like to fix the issue if possible instead of buying a new similarly performing laptop (144hz, i7, GTX 1070), especially given current prices.
  2. Thank you all for the help, I really appreciate it! @IshatixI just googled the battery model number (PA70BAT-4) and whatever came up in the results are the ones I'm doubtful about (also only 2 pages of results). Though just to name them- solutions365 (dot) in ebuyindia (dot) in topbattery (dot) in lappiecare (dot) in Some of the rest are from foreign sites which will be a pain in the ass to buy from for various reasons. As I mentioned, I'm using the laptop right now without a battery. I think it also caused an issue where the system would crash with everything going slo-mo (animations, sound, cursor, etc) when I simply pick up the laptop. That hasn't happened so far since I removed it.
  3. I have a Clevo PA71ES-G laptop that I bought from HIDevolution in 2018 (specs in signature). Since the temps were getting high, I decided to re-paste the laptop and noticed the battery to be somewhat swollen as shown in the pics. I have re-pasted and re-assembled the laptop and am currently using it without plugging in the battery until I could get some advice. I live in India and replacement battery is available (model PA70BAT-4) but I've never heard of any of the websites. Last I repasted was November 2021 and the battery was fine back then. Is it safe to plug-in and use the battery for a while longer or is it done? I always keep the laptop plugged in and while electricity outage is not an issue, this situation has me concerned regardless.
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