That's a big good news I was not expecting 🤩. I remembered that some on NBR said that the vc is the same, and on eBay I found some vc on sale labeled as DM3/KM like if it is the same for both models. So I'm fairly confident that if you can fit a RTX in a KM you can do that also in a DM3. Not 100% confident, but a solid 95%.
Currently I have a 1080, I am aware it might not be a massive jump forward, but right now a RTX 2080 is the best I can get from my limited mod skills, and if I manage to sell afterwards my 1080 I might get back part of the money spent, keeping the mod relatively cheap.
As for those I have 700€ piled up so far. I've seen a couple of them at about that price, but I hope prices will go down soon.
Personal gaming experience (I'll keep it short in order to not go off topic) : I've always tried to keep GPU cool, had previously a I7-7700k, temperatures always around 70C° @ 60FPS. After the Dsanke Bios mod and upgrade to i9-9900kf (with delidding and undervolt) same game (I really can't explain how) runs at low 60° (like 62,63), so now I increased to 70FPS to see if it manages it well, and for some reason it does. Dunno if it was the last repaste or whatever, but it stays in low 60°.
In your case with a 3080 I would go for the 1440p, but I understand your concerns about keeping your GPU as cool as possible.
BTW I'm the least knowledged user here so feel free to disregard my tips.😅