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johnksss last won the day on January 6

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  1. I checked with my MC and yes, there is a small line camped out front. Might pop up over in a few days to see if anyone is still waiting.
  2. No love! The last time I played on a Play Station was when we were on a 130 game win streak (COD) and Play Station networked crashed right after that. Went to Xbox after that and never looked back. I did have a PS2 in the car for my kid back in the day though.
  3. I already have $500 sitting there waiting on an Xbox Series X. Or the next gen console, but we shall see as it's suppose to drop this year. Thanks to leaks that set the game back 2 years so far.😂
  4. Hate to break it to you, but GTA 6 will not be on PC when it releases.
  5. Yes, that is correct with my current setup. And I had to find that answer online at the time. It surely is NOT worth the current price with of course taxes. Personal bills are far more important than entertainment cost that may or may not be entertaining enough to warrant the purchase!
  6. Ah, okay. I was wondering about that. I know what you mean. I don't really notice anything unless i drop it down to some like 4.0 ghz or something like that. I do have to lower it 5.0 ghz for COD else COD won't even load up. And some other game that I can't think of at the moment.
  7. @electrosoft Next time you're on FO76 let me know as I do play that.
  8. Happy Saturday to you to sir. I was debating on going with that CPU or just keep sitting on mine. So it's clock locked. How does it fair with 3d benching? Better or worse than the 14900KS? I still have like a year and some change left on the warranty. Was trying to see if the 285K made some type of a break through, but it would seem it's still basically sitting in the same position as when it first showed up.
  9. I think i'll grab one for about 2 weeks to just run some fast benchmarks then take it back and get a 5080 and call it a day. We'll see though. What's your take on the 9950X though? Edit: I Looked at Ebay to check their prices and "sold" cards and like 90% of them are lying. They haven't sold anything. They make it look like they have sold a card to try and get suckers to buy. I thought that was funny.
  10. I did go an check the line of course, but i think I could have gotten a 5080 because they still had one listed. The next morning (3am) it said 3 left, but I am not a Gigabyte GPU fan. Of course i'll keep checking MC website and then drive by the parking lot, but if it's to many people then I'll just keep driving. They usually announce if they have cards around 7 am to 9 am to keep people from just waiting. And will usually say how many they have. so people in line past that amount can just go about their business. Which I thought was decent of them.
  11. Nope, have not gotten one yet either. Just going to wait it out like a normal person and when one drops at MC i'll grab one. The first round of 5090's there were all Zotac and I think some FE's.
  12. Just seen a video of Mr Moore state as fact that they have 67/199 cards total. Now watching some of those videos so i can scope out a decent tent to go grab. I already have powered frige-freezer/microwave/2 solar powered generator/small space heater/twin air mattress/ heater/laptop/tablet/phones/thick blanket/pillow/music.... 😂
  13. Almost no cards? That is the norm for every single launch they have ever had. 100 to 300 cards tops. Only speaking for my Microcenter.
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