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  1. I have no clue either. I mean I can get them to run at 4.8Ghz, but it sure takes a lot of voltage to do so and it's still not always stable. I'll have to do some more investigating later. Yep. Loved that 780W PSU. I have 2 of them. And now they can still be used! That's a game changer for me as they have been sitting around collecting dust for the last 5 years or so. Just wish their display was more accurate though. 🤬
  2. Well, i'm about 3 points shy of him so i'm getting closer. 😁 In other news. I got an tip adapter for my dell version of the 780W Eurocom PSU and now can run all sorts of other laptops using different adapter tips like we talked about the other night.
  3. That's a nice little chip right there. How much? I was trying to new random batch that I hadn't seen yet. Should have just grabbed another one from the batch identical to mine, but I think I'm just going to keep my 105 and send the 13900K (SP112) back to the store. Because this one can boot 9K memory. Can run 6Ghz all cores with chiller. And cost less at 669.99 vs 699.99.
  4. So, went to MC tonight to pick up a few things and found out that our MC will in fact replace a delidded cpu if you have accidental care. I also was told ours is pretty lenient and flexible when it comes to their warranty and replacements on "certain" parts. And that's about all I'm going to say on that front.🤣 Grabbed a turd and it's going back in the morning though. I should have known better. SP101. The guy that sold it to me said report back with it's rating as a few of them were a bit curious about the hole SP rating system.
  5. Yeah, I did not want to rain on Chew's parade...😰🤣
  6. Just wish this one had better E cores, but since I'm not really benching right now i'm good with it.
  7. Hey there Brother Fox. This one does seem a bit better, that's for sure. I may just ride this one out and get rid of my 13900KS. I only rolled the dice this time because I had to go get some parts for a customer and was like....What do you have close to a x346 or higher. They came back with this one. And it only cost me like a 100 bucks to swap cpu's. I know what you mean. I haven't been benching much at all. Been to busy with work related stuff.
  8. So I went ahead and tried my luck again and this time I got a SP105 and able to boot 9K memory. And no I did not start 9K memory testing, but 8800 is almost stable. Maybe bench stable, but not long term stable as of yet.
  9. Maybe....As lot's of folks love to brag about how great the specs are on paper (or in this case, SP rating and super low voltage), but in reality it might just be that or the operator is unable to get it to perform. In that case those particular users need to get run-of-the-mill chips instead.😆 Yes, his setup is shutting a bunch of folks down and the standard rebuttal is as it always is. You have chiller this phase that LN2 this dice that, delidded with liquid metal blah blah blah. He already showed them what an average chip can do. Something I was doing many many times over with the right cooling setup. At the end of the day it's how cold you keep your chip as to what it's capable of doing. This is 80% true while the other 20% falls on hardware/software/tuning/bios issues. Personal opinion only.🙂 Edit: And don't even get me started on what @Papusan has done and doesn't have any of that but cold outside air.🤣
  10. Not sure how he could kill that particular board with integrated graphics or something like a cmos reset to reset that dedicated gpu setting back to auto. Or maybe I missed something?
  11. Yes, this I know and why I could not hold on to it. To many negatives that out weigh the positives. Still waiting for people to post on ocn with scores that come remotely close to @tps3443 .
  12. That is about where my curve was for SP 101, but it did run 6.0Ghz on all P cores.
  13. All I know is, they crack me up. I bet a Million to one, not one of those people are turning themselves in for defrauding the system in other more serious ways. And the same people claiming stuff just magically broke and think they should get a refund.🤣
  14. Well mine wont even boot my stock 8400 ram, so that is an automatic no go, return to store.
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