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  1. after all the mess around bios v1.18, I downgraded and it seems like it did a factory reset, which is ok. The problem is that most of the time (no always tho) when the computer sleeps, it restarts, just like if a reset button was pushed. I remember reading something about this, that needed something in the bios to be disabled/enabled but I can't remember what. Does anybody know what I should do? I think this is the log event from that reboot: The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000009f (0x0000000000000003, 0xffff970dce288060, 0xffffb90bf06ef738, 0xffff970dd7090bb0). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\Minidump\030224-28531-01.dmp. Report Id: ccce6d36-ab2e-49fa-b41e-e508baac4eb9. thanks!
  2. I tried that as soon as I noticed that v1.18 had issues but it didn't work... The re assembled bios doesn't show anything in the update list when you run it. Not sure why... It would be great if we got it to work tho so we can downgrade it at any time we need.
  3. so.. windows update made the HUGE favor of updating my bios to 1.9.1.. I didn't know it could do it, but ok, I downgraded it and it worked fine. turns out that EVERY TIME I restart my computer it updates the bios again to 1.9.1, doesn't matter what I do. If I downgrade, it works fine anb the restart after the update goes back to windows which confirms it's on 1.8, but if I restart it again, it triggers the bios update to 1.9.1.... does anyone know how to stop this? I also disabled drivers update (which include bios) in group policy now...
  4. I updated my nvidia drivers to latest, 531.18 and the trick to unlock more performance doesn't seem to work anymore... can anyone confirm it?
  5. has anyone update their bios to the latest one yet? does it revert the custom setup_var thing? is it ok to update? thanks
  6. it's not that I can't use GPU, it's just task manager that never report it to be above 10% usage with gpu scheduling disabled...
  7. Something looks wrong... amy GPU never goes above 10% of usage doesn't matter what I'm doing, according to task manager... is this normal? This screenshot I took while running a heavy game benchmark...
  8. I had disabled the dGPU one as well and just noticed the performance drop when I tried to play a game. btw, the issue with mouse freezing is still happening, I re-enabled dGPU c-states now and I'll see how it goes, very annoying
  9. does the "new" heatsink (not delta) really makes a difference? How did you guys got dell to ship a new one? Just asked for it or did you say it doesn't work?
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