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Everything posted by Don_prince

  1. Only to realise I only have 120mm fans around... I ended up printing myself. They do not sit on their own, I taped a 120 fan in there, so they need some support some way
  2. This thing apparently is real: http://www.xinjuneng.com.cn/news.html I would love to have access to that battery and charging solution, so we can make our own just with ITX motherboards
  3. Im counting on pulling more volume of air through the back exaust. Yes in the image the fans are backwards, but those are only there for fitment. I dont know how efficient normal PC fans are compared to the little ones in the laptop. I am hoping more air and a little bit more silent but I dont keep my hope up. If they pull a lot likely the little fans in the laptop will continue to make noise coasting along. If the side exausts start pulling air instead of pushing I call that a win. With the duct all of the fans sucking power is through the back exaust so, unless the passthrough is too restrictive it should always increase rather than reduce. I will report back how well it performs...
  4. I made some 140mm fan adapters from the rear, There may be fitment issues, but thanks to the help of XMG, they should be a perfect fit. As I have no intention to have my 3d printer keep me awake for 5 days, and have no clue how to remove the supports on the inside I will order them from JLC and have them powder printed. Find the files attached if you want to print yourself, or let me know if you want to jump in with the first batch and risk it with me. It should snap into the screwhole and the lip behind the screen. If that doesnt work I am thinking about using velcrow. Feel free to use the 3d models however you like. X170KM fan mod.3dm X170KM fan mod R.stl X170KM fan mod L.stl
  5. Also tell us about the performance difference
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