Thanks for replying to me SSJ! I'm a refugee from the NBR forums and have been decently active there ever since I got my first M11X back in 2011. I'm a big fan of your MXM work and really want to see more of it in the future.
I honestly thought NBR was dead until I saw this forum a couple of days ago, and turned out this is very similar in style to the old one with a lot of the old users namely Papusan, Mr. Fox, etc.
The X170SM-G being upgradable to the 30series cards with Prema BIOS is very interesting and I never heard of it until now! I talked to Eurocom and they said that it wasn't compatible for some reason with the X170SMG but turns out they were wrong. I'm eyeing a reseller called Eluktronics that has the Prema BIOS called the THICC-17. Will your opinion change now that the laptop has Prema BIOS and if you were comparing it to the R2, which solved mostly all the issues regarding cooling the 200W 2080 S and other problems?