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  1. Hi all! Is there any info about use in low load, or least charging a 7770 via usb-c? I found a reddit entry, 100w can charge the battery when its power off, but when on its only said (W10) "unknown, device, cant work..." Or the minimum specs on the round power plug? I'm work in entertainmant industry, and travel a lot... mainly in trains without AC. So i was wondering to get some portable battery pack, but for that i need to know first whats the minimum affordable power in. Im peace about like a few hour power off charging, or something like that, if its works. Or any usable solutions? Any thoughts? Thx, m
  2. 7770/i9-12950hx/A4500/64GB RAM - without any chanages, out of the box condition. I will update my bios from 1.7.1 to 1.8.0 in a next days. Is there any information, or data what i can look out, in HWiNFO64 before/after? Someone said ac/dc loadline values fixed, i will check this. m
  3. I think i cant see the tree, in front of me, in a forest... Why all of TB ports are sooo slow in file copy? 8-10Mb/s is the max what i can see. I try out the ADATA SE800 1TB drive, and slower copying to nvme, than my old Lenovo G560 in usb 2.0 What i miss? need some more drivers or apps? thx.
  4. After i read this thred AAron is one of the magichs here. Sorry for me, but really im a fresh newbie, today was the first time im step in a BIOS... About CB23: is it normal, when run a test no CPU, or dGPU, or mem activity? I m really surprised about... thx
  5. Hi All! Absolute newbie here from Central Europe, and the first purchese of 7770 today. First one in Centreal Europe Region... At a glance: Im need a top 3D notebook, because im work in entertainment industry on fly... So i look out what if capable and portable for my needs... after many rounds im landed in Dell Precision Workstaions. When i first try to order one... i have some issues... avaibility, order, etc... half year later when i fond a real solution in Hungary, i ordered something (at this moment im really sceptycal what they offer) and this time is the 7770. And i get it today 🙂 For the record: "Out of the box" : get it out, start to install factory default win 10 pro... Its very hot! F*cking hot in the front... Im cheking the back vent, and... im burned my skin to there.. im not happy... After win 10 install, first i go to the dell net support, and see my bios is 1.3.2, and "urgent" to upgrade to 1.7.1. OK, lets go... My purchase is: Dell 7770, I9-12950HX, 64Gb (SoDIMM 2x32Gb dual ch) RAM, A4500 videocard. After that refresh (25 min), win start again, looks like thermals in a normal range.. Waaaay cooler the chassis in the front, before that. Next step. Check for updates... oooo, f*ck, i need a beer. some "urgent" updates, khmm... 4.2 GB to download. Ok lets do. Or not. Im checking, some hardware ones first, some restarts, do again, one before last 810Mb Intel UHD, and after restart Nvidia 830Mb... i think in my past always scores from the little to bigger line... Ok. After that - because i read all of this thread - i m downloaded only the CineBench R23. First time in my life, im benching 🙂 10 min test scores are: CPU (Multi core): 15602 CPU (Single Core): 1890 Im taking pictures with my phone, but its a steril install, i dont know yet how to transfer here. Is it normal to no CPU/dGPU activity during the test - wia win task manager? Is it good? I cant open the frame, the professionals who changes my memory sticks, cant remember which fans in, or what they see, and cant remember any thermal pads, stickers or so... Im only the user, i can plan, vizualize, organize and build steel structures, stages, for a wedding to a complex 30k+ festival, but i cant have that fine moods to open a laptop. Im have a fear about brake something.... So i have a next few days a really free "virgin" win 10 pro. If in this thread anybody want to test something, to help our users community contact me! At this moment i have maybe 10 days window to not to install anything, dont start tu use that laptop for what i need for. Pls be gentle. thx m
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