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    ◄Clevo® X170SM-G (zTecpc Prema BIOS) *i9-10900KF*128GB RAM*RTX 3080 16GB vRAM*8TB M.2 SSD►

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  1. RTX 3080 I bought it from here last year, I can only recommend it!☝️✌️😝
  2. Paste again, that's the minimum. It is recommended to reapply once a year!☝️
  3. Drivers, Bios, any any etc ... (XMG/Schenker) BIOS, EC (name/psw: repo / repo) Good luck! ✌️
  4. The location of your cooling screw is also starting to wear, mine was worn by the spring screw and I replaced it with the manufacturer under warranty. I recommend using a special thermal plastic washer under the spring screw. I got a screw from the manufacturer. Complete screw set for the X170 model and separate CPU and GPU cooling spring screws. I think it's still available. Write to the manufacturer! The German Clevo XMG/Schenker was closer to me and I bought it from them. Good luck! Old: New: Screw sets:
  5. I also bought a new KM-G board and will replace the SM-G board with it. I will be curious as to what kind of BIOS it will have and what problems will arise.🤔😄
  6. I remember someone loaded it with a 4TB SSD and it was fine.🙄🤔
  7. In principle, 4TB SSDs should be handled without any problems, or am I wrong?🤔
  8. Did you succeed in replacing the page? Is everything ok? Write a few lines about it!✌️
  9. New MB and CPU. At some point I will replace the SM-G board with this one.☝️✌️😉
  10. That config needs to know a lot more.☺️
  11. In principle, it has to be popped up from one side and then the other.
  12. It hasn't arrived yet. USA comes to EU territory. It is expected to arrive before Christmas.
  13. I also bought a new (Sager) KM-G motherboard and I don't know what BIOS version it will have. I hope it won't be a surprise! 🤔
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