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kojack last won the day on August 25

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About kojack

  • Birthday 11/27/1976

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    Resident Psychonaut! ;-)

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  1. Agreed, I am expanding my workshop this spring and putting a lift for doing my own work. I have most every tool needed for anything automotive related. Just need a shop high enough to install the lift. Even the 2500 dollar expensive of the lift will be recouped in no time with 4 vehicles to maintain.
  2. The big thing for me is preparation of the food. Deep fried in the same fryer as other things with wheat triggers my allergies. Prepared on the same countertop as something with flour and boom. Triggered again. It's brutal.
  3. UPDATE: I have found some information on video editing on the snapdragon pcs. It's a big NO GO. I have to suck it up and buy the ASUS proArt P16. It's the only system that gives me everything I want in a portable workstation now. The ARM systems just grind to a hault when pushed with 4k video footage and adding any type of color grading etc. The ProArt blows through it without issue.
  4. sure we would, we just would not have to pay insane prices for them.
  5. I am seriously considering a surface 15 inch with 64gb of ram. The only thing I am waiting for is to get some information on true creative workflows. I have yet to find any information on 64gb X elite systems doing true creative workflows. Once I get some more information, I will see what I am going to do. I was looking at ProArt P16, but in true ASUS fashion, they have shoddy quality control and abysmal customer service.
  6. Yes, Huawei got massively neutered by the orange one. too bad, they had some of the best hardware out there.
  7. I used to buy all kinds of games back in the day. in the early/mid 80s I was addicted to "quest" games from sierra. all of those were 79.99 canadian back then. Do the math and its around 202.00 today. I have all of them stashed away somewhere here. DIfference is I had floppy disks and later cd copies of these games. Today, you just have a digital copy and when they see fit, they turn it off. Just like Apple did with Aperture when I spent 350 bucks on it digitally and they cancelled it. I had no way to re install the software I purchased. I was not happy. One of the reasons I will never purchase another apple PC. They are famous for charging customers then just cancelling software etc.
  8. Yes, I agree. there is zero percent chance apple buys intel. There is a 90 percent chance qualcomm buys it.
  9. All other manufacturers have great growth YOY besides Apple. Wonderful stuff! ha ha.
  10. Just checking my system again now for any new bios updates. Roll the dice!
  11. To go along with our new lighting, we just bought a new to us Canon eos 1Ds MkII. 17mp of full frame beast goodness. I picked up a 50mm 1.8 lens to start us off. Can't wait to get it next week. Gonna be fun!
  12. I only use Seagate spinny drives. I have had every other brand fail numerous times on me. I have not had a Seagate HDD fail, The SSHD that I had pooped the bed but that was in the SSD side of the drive. Just bad design. The regular HDD drives have been rock solid!
  13. We both love ours. Great choice!
  14. So the wife got interested in boudoir photography so who am I to say no. Let's just say she's smoking hot in the photos. We are getting into this so much that we just purchased these for the photo shoots and for our upcoming video podcast about autism and sharing stories from us and others. I will keep you up to date when it starts airing on YouTube and all the popular podcast channels. RGB LED lighting.... 2 Pack Upgraded 660 PRO II RGB LED Light - NEEWER
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