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kojack last won the day on August 25 2024

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About kojack

  • Birthday 11/27/1976

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    Resident Psychonaut! ;-)

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  1. Oh yes, touchscreen is the best. I have it on my notebooks and desktops as well. I use them all the time for things.
  2. I have been keeping an eye on the whole asus warranty / customer service thing. Seems after steve and a bunch of other creators called them out over their shatty practices, they have upped their game. I was talking to an Asus customer on another forum, who was having issues with their motherboard. Asus was on the phone with them for 2 hours trying to make it work, then sent an RMA right away via email to him to return the unit and get a new one. That's all that can be done. I am confident about moving to asus again now.
  3. I don't know of one actually. I will keep my eye open for you! So you are running the Huawei tablet now?
  4. Because there is something in the 285k drivers etc that are not jiving with 11. it's an Intel issue. my systems are faster on 11 than they are on 10. However, mine are a 10th gen and 11 gen intel system. Hell even my old intel Pentium gold 8th gen chip runs better on 11.
  5. So in that case, it's an intel issue. if it's only happening to the 285k. Again. not a windows issue.
  6. Again, the clickbait article you quote is wrong. Windows "throttles" apps minimized and that are not being currently used. not active apps. I have no such "bugs" you complain constantly about.
  7. There are two available models. one with the 4060 and 32gb of ram. the other is a 4070 with 64gb of ram. It has dual NVME to upgrade ssd capacity. Ram is on board. But 64gb would be fine for laptops IMO.
  8. Windows is not throttling your system, it's throttling minimized apps that are not being used. Again. Completely different that what you are claiming. Hating on windows is fine. using BS articles that are completely false is another.
  9. Check out the Asus ProArt P16. Probably the best overall windows based laptop available now. It's basically the macbook pro of windows. I have my eyes set on one or a macbook air 15 inch if they release with the M4 Pro as an option. Not sure yet. But the Asus Proart is an awesome device. The best part about the asus, is the maxed out version with 64gb of ram and 4070 gpu is only 2699 canadian.
  10. This is using the snapdragon in Asus' proart system. Terrible performance.
  11. Now put that into a laptop with some cooling and you will have something.
  12. Yep. copying apple for the sake of copying apple is wrong. No matter who does it.
  13. Are there any better options? Basically, I want to put a dual ssd drive setup in bay one. To feed my projects and run the OS, then use the other 3 bays are the raid array for project storage using large HDDs.
  14. I have since looked at 3 monitors. I was going to move to a ultrawide, but 3 displays will work better. It's the easier cheaper route for me. Get the 3rd dell ultrasharp, put my touchscreen in the middle and flank it with the other 2 24's. That will give me all the real estate I need and the comfort of having my main screen directly in front of me instead of off to the side a little like my current dual monitor setup. Cheap and easy is fine by me.
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