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  1. Hi, just use a high quality thermal putty and you don´t need to worry about the correct thickness.
  2. I did modify their SPD with Thaiphoon Burner
  3. No, mines were Kingstons with Kingstons chips at 1600@1866 CL9
  4. Kryonaut is not the best solution as it pumps out easily above 80C and you end up with worse temps after time. For me the best solution is Phobya Nanogrease Extreme
  5. 33C GPU during TimeSpy... you must be living on Antarctica:😁
  6. …and as far as I know, the Full HD panel on KM-G is either 144Hz or 240Hz or 300Hz… so there is little chance the G-Sync will work unless your 144Hz is exactly the same model as the one on default for KM-G
  7. For G-Sync to work, the panel subtype should be included in the cookies responsible for the combo GPU=>Panel in the system BIOS. If SM-G and KM-G shared 100% the same 144hz panel, then the G-Sync would work. Any other subtype (the last two digits of the panel) except for the existing 144Hz one for KM-G - you are gonna lose the G-Sync on the internal display.
  8. X170KM doesn't have half of the space P870 has...
  9. Is this the bios chip or the EC chip?
  10. I know people who are using it - not a shit in any case, probably a little worse than Reiner’s solution.
  11. There is a lot of difference between 65 and 150FPS if you play a competitive game like CoD. I can enjoy full max details with 230 FPS on RTX 4090 mobile, while to reach anywhere near 150FPS with RTX 3080 mobile I need to drag the details down to medium. Not a big deal, of course , but it takes away from the fun. In two years I will need to drag the details even lower to stay at a competitive frame rates. of course, it’s all matter of how good you are/wanna be in a competitive game. I can say immediately if I play with 100 or 150FPS and especially if G-Sync is on or off. The implementation of the G-Sync for the 1440p 165HZ screen of X170KM is made terribly as there is still stuttering in CoD. 144HZ and 300HZ are better ones in this regard. X170KM is worth keeping only from collector’s perspective, as the last DTR warrior. I will keep mine just because of this sentimentality, otherwise pretty much all of the modern gaming laptops blow it away as CPU/GPU/RAM raw power and quality of the screen, no matter what modifications are done.
  12. You are right and I can kind of agree about P870, there is much more space inside to take this mod successfuly. I just don‘t get this enormous effort for X170 where everything is limited as a space inside and desktop GPU won‘t fit at all…
  13. Still…CPU Limitation will be inevitable in and it will end the same as it was on HP 8770W - GTX 1070 on 3940XM. At one certain point the games‘ FPS will be CPU limited and the GPU will be power wasted only, no matter 4xxx or 5xxx series.
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