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Everything posted by Frugfath3r

  1. Having one with G-Sync and one without g-sync you will not be able to run this SLI even if you were to flash both with the same VBIOS Both will work in your TM have you tried the dsank version?
  2. Do you have a BIOS programmer ( USB ) ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/174624243499?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=q8lrvxgsqqs&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=yURFKloTQYu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=EMAIL If you do then you can go crazy and flash any CLEVO GTX 1080 MXM VBIOS I personally have the dsank VBIOS in SLI for my 870KM then other VBIOS for the DM3 and the 775TM I'm sure I have that VBIOS but will only be back home again on Monday evening.
  3. Hello . What CLEVO system would you like it for might be able to pull it off one of mine
  4. Hello everyone. I wanted to find out if there was any unlocked bias available for this laptop. The only readily available bios I found is the XMG there latest one . But it is very limited with the features available no RAM OC availability and no real CPU customization. Regards Damin
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