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  1. After getting fed up with online titles such as FO 76, I've gone back to the games I've already finished like 2077, Fallout 4, Fallout 3, Outer Worlds. I've found myself not really caring if there is any new content. I'm just interested in finding builds that don't suck. Replayability is an important attribute. I have yet to really get bored with games such as 2077 that afford you quite a bit of flexibility in how you play. My concern is whether developers keep messing with the game mechanics - nerfing weapons, skills, etc.
  2. Realized I hadn't looked at my W4 in over two years and wondered why I owed money. Went to change the number of exemptions since my children have pretty much left the nest. Realized the form had completely changed. Then wondered why my oldest daughter paid no federal income tax. The answer was right in front of me. If only I could just play computer games and not have to realize there is a real world out there...
  3. I'm waiting to see if my new Prometheus XVII with LPP will make a difference. I pre-ordered a 12900H with 3080Ti. Will see how well the liquid cooling keeps temps down.
  4. Definitely mouth watering... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5JcaAP9uMc
  5. Not sure which Tongfang chassis is used for the Prometheus XVII, but I saw this page today and my mouth actually watered. Time to replace my MAG-15. https://www.eluktronics.com/lpp Pre-orders start in March.
  6. I'm a glutton for punishment. Why I stick with Bethesda is besides me. As buggy and broken as these games are, I still go back to playing Fallout 3, 4 and 76. Good thing for unlimited data. When the bugs get too much, I delete the offending game. Miss the game too much, I re-download.
  7. I posted the same in laptopforums.net. I find it really disappointing that the site won't let me login using the credentials I used when I signed up; the site does not send an email for resetting password, despite the statement to that effect otherwise. Notebook-review.com seems to be a closed forum - closed to those not in the inner circle of NBR friends.
  8. Consistent with the last topics, my understanding was that there were three forums being set up. I went and registered for all three, and have been periodically checking them. Last night I tried logging into the third forum, set up by Spartan. I couldn't log into the site last night. Now I'm getting a "watch your ass" warning about the site not being secure. Has that site been taken down permanently? Is our trio now down to two? This site and laptopforums.net?
  9. It took a long time to get used to the game mechanic. I kept resetting Colt's character after every untimely death. Eventually, I figured out the routine. The game is consistent at the different times of the day. Learn what works and do something differently later. I had a couple of hard crashes that translated into an entirely new loop. Worst came at the end when I was trying to finish the game.
  10. Just finished Deathloop. Starting Tomb Raider.
  11. Thank you fine gentlemen for setting this up. Looking forward to growing with all of you!
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