Could someone check on the machine where the udh oled screen is, what is the part number of the motherboard. I would like to upgrade the screen to a UDH model, but it doesn't fit my FHD motherboard. what all needs to be changed to be able to install a udh screen...
Edit: swing computer salesman says that upgrade to udh screen, will work just by cable change, is that true??
Got updated from rtx2000 ada -> rtx4000ada.. Had to change the cooling and lower base. I found an rtx4000 Ada on ebay for €400, I bought it right away. Yes, it was worth it, time spy results increased for rtx2000 ada 9800 points and rtx4000 ada 14900 points. Also update charger to 330w
I ordered an rtx3500 graphics card and heatsink, and now I need to know what the performance chassis part number is, i.e. the base number. I have thin chassis now.
Could someone please look it up on their own computer, what number is performance chassis, because I can't seem to find the right number in internet.
could someone kindly look at some of the 5g/wwan antennas of the number 7680 from of the screen top cover and bottom of performance chassis.
I'm planning to update a thin chassis to performance chassis upgrade. also wwan antennas should be obtained. does anyone have any knowledge to advise me.
Does anyone know where to find a modified bios that would remove the overclocking block??
Has anyone added wwa card and antenna cables to the 7680 model afterwards? I came without the wwa option, but I would really like the wwa option. What all needs to be changed or added.
can rtx 3500 ada get with thin body. is the rtx 2000 ada the same cooling as the rtx 3500 ada? I ordered a 7680 from ebay with a thin body, is it possible to upgrade to rtx 3500 or rtx 4000