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  1. Maybe i should have checked with Clevo directly beforehand. They are already offering serveral midrange models (starting at around 1500€) with up to 3 M2 slots. All of them BGA, but i don't have issues with that.
  2. At the moment only 17"+ highend laptops (3000$/€ and up) are offering more than two internal M2 slots. Dell, Lenovo, MSI and also Schenker (maybe Clevo chassis?) have one. Didn't find anything else. Do you think, this will be available for midend laptops "soonish" as well? My 2017 build is still running fine, but my internal SSD (M2+2,5") are used for my main Linux and a debloated Win11 installation. Distro testing is done exclusively via external USB SSDs. I have a couple of Sandisk Extreme Pro for that, they are fast and reliable. It's fine this way, but having a 3rd internal option would be nice in the future. I am always separating my OS physically, it's better this way.
  3. Microsoft gives Mono project to WineHQ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/08/microsoft-donates-the-mono-project-to-the-wine-team/
  4. @Mr. FoxThank you for your elaborate answer, really appreciated. Despite all the negativity. 👍 It doesn't really surprise me, since i know most you already from NBR - my old account there is from around 2015 - and therefore i am aware of the stance regarding soldered and BGA hardware in general. I don't do heavy gaming, so my needs in upgrading are very low and i am pretty sure, that my current laptop will be fine performancewise for at least another 3-4 years. Especially with Linux. To be honest, despite that i don't really ticking any boxes for this community - maybe only that i own a laptop - i know and appreciate the experience many of the members are bringing along. In common PC hardware communities it is difficult to find experts for all things related to laptops. f.e. BIOS mods are deemed as rocket science there. Even that i cannot contribute much, that is the reason i followed over from NBR and stayed. The OS switch was the only thing i changed on my laptop since joining here.
  5. Since my question in one of the offtopic threads was mostly ignored - especially by the "core" members - i will give it one more try in here. How do you think will be the future outlook for NotebookTalk, after the last upgradeable chassis has reached its EOL? There will be a point in the near future, where you won't be able to fit current CPU/GPUs into your beloved non-BGA cases. This community isn't - and never will be tbh - that large in the slightest as NBR and therefore lacks depth. Not criticism, just stating facts. Where do you see this community in 5 years? All state-of-the-art laptops will be proprietary by then. What will be we talking about then, if nothing can be upgraded anymore? The last practical Windows (10) won't get security patches anymore? I already have switched completely to Linux and my next gaming rig will be from a hardware vendor, which specializes in Linux. I don't have any issues with BGA, my machine is already from 2016 and is still running great. Linux is getting more traction in here, but this doesn't solve the non-upgradable hardware issue, which always has been the main driver for NBR and also this community.
  6. Linux

    FPS/Hz question

    I did buy a new monitor 3 weeks ago: https://www.lg.com/uk/monitors/ultrawide/38wr85qc-w/ Fantastic allrounder. Great picture and reliable KVM switch, which i use for 2 laptops.
  7. The Prime Thanatos OUTRUN Playlists:
  8. After some back and forth i have finally settled with debian-based TuxedoOS. Everything is running fine, even a nice control-center with fan controls. They sell laptops and desktops for Linux, but the software is running on my Clevo without issues.
  9. Linux

    FPS/Hz question

    You may laugh, but i never have owned a system, that is capable of running/displaying more than 60fps. What FPS or Hz do you see as a minimum for improvement after the base value of 60? I don't play shooters, MMOs are the most action the system would be getting. I am pretty sure, i will need a new laptop and a monitor to get anything above 60 fps/Hz - my current display only supports 60Hz - but the main question are the minimum requirement. Resolution is also key. Huge difference between 2160p or 1440p, even for older games.
  10. Which one do you have? The 32" Optix or MPG version?
  11. I was wondering, if this community will outright wither and die, if there will be only BGA builds left to talk about and the non-BGA builds cannot be upgraded anymore? The hate for BGA is oozing from all threads in here, so there is that. Personally, i don't care about the hate, because my BGA doesn't offer anything to target, since it has been running perfectly for 7 years now. And with Linux it will easily reach 10 years and beyond. Even Windows 11 is running without issues on an external SSD. Do you think, the community will be capable to exist with BGA-only builds? TBH, as before with NBR, i only got there because of Clevo. For Dell, Lenovo etc. i can go to any other tech community for help as well. Even for mods. And manufacturers with modular parts like Framework already have an active online community in the Fediverse.
  12. When they announced closing down business - the software was still developed for a couple of months - i tried to get the versions from them. But they never answered. I only experienced great support via e-mail from them over the years, but this was a letdown. The developer said, there were no plans to monetize the software after closing down. It's a shame, that the apps were not made available to the public.
  13. I only still use the fan control. I have 2019 versions of all 4 apps. Probably not the latest available version each. But i can upload them for you. @zex4 You got PM.
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