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  1. No, I give up. This is a problem specific to Dell which is not capable of resolving audio issues. I've read several forums where people were talking about technical issues and many have been complaining about audio for several years on various PCs sold by Dell. I spent more than $4,000 on a device that isn't even capable of playing audio files correctly, whereas a Microsoft tablet 5 times cheaper does it perfectly.
  2. Well no unfortunately, nothing works after restarting the PC the drops are worse than before. It's simply unusable. Whatever the parameters used. So I give up and continue working with my Surface 9.
  3. Good morning, I only discovered your message on September 22 (Thank you for your response). I looked in the settings you gave me and they were already disabled. To test I reactivated it and for 30/40 minutes I have not noticed any drop out. (Maybe a hint on a trail, but not sure) If it continues like this, I will be very happy and might consider going on sound recording tours with my Dell 7770. For the moment I use a simple Microsoft Surface 9 which has never failed. As sound cards I use RME, a Fireface 802 or a Digiface USB, obviously never connected at the same time all in ASIO. Thank you very much once again for your contribution to a problem that has lasted for almost seven months and for which I had lost complete confidence in Dell. Sincerely.
  4. As already denounced in a post here above, I see that this laptop is real junk. A real scam even! I chose this machine for its ability to insert several SSDs. (Up to 4) ERROR, upon delivery of the machine I noticed that a port was occupied because of the size of the battery. Something that of course Dell hid before the sale. In addition, this machine causes drops out on the playback of all audio files. I changed the OS back to Windows 10 (For a machine shipped with Windows 11 Pro) This happens less often. (I finally went back to the original OS) I thought I could use this machine being a Professional sound engineer, it is obviously impossible with this Dell 7770. I also tested the SD card reader delivered with the machine and there the results are clear. A Lexar reader connected via USB is 2 to 3 times faster than the reader originally supplied in this Dell 7770. (I can provide screenshots proving my tests) So I'm reusing an old six-year-old ASUS laptop running Windows 10 which doesn't give me ANY problems like the ones this Dell 7770 gives me. Having browsed a number of Dell forums, I noticed that many people were complaining about audio problems on many of their machines. So this problem is not unknown to Dell, but of course these people would rather ignore the problems than fix them. This behavior is despicable especially for a machine over $3500
  5. Hello everyone, I would like to express here my disappointment in having purchased a DELL 7770 Precision. Indeed, I have been using fixed PC's of different brands for years with professional sound cards such as external RME as a common point (everything works perfectly regardless of the machines with these sound cards) EXCEPT since I bought a DELL 7770 Precision laptop running Windows 11. There, there are serious problems of drop out, click, clack, clok when playing audio files such as WAV or FLAC. The issues are so severe that it's not possible to listen to music without having a serious drop out, click or other audio problem every couple of minutes. I did everything, installed Windows 10 instead of the OS that came with the machine, the problems also occur (Less often), I even installed to try Linux Mint and there too I found problems jump in reading (But with another sound card) I therefore accuse the DELL 7770 of having a design problem and of not being able to process audio files correctly. I use my PCs as audio recording machines and I find bitterly that DELL is not able to perform this essential task for me. So, I bought a replacement Microsoft Surface Pro 9 tablet and there, everything works perfectly. Finally DELL was my first machine, but it will be the only one, there will never be others and I will let it be known on all the forums I frequent.
  6. Hello everyone, I just discovered this forum dedicated to the Dell Precision 7770 and I found it very interesting to follow. I myself ordered one of these machines which I will receive in a few days. However, there is one question that I haven't found the answer to: Can I before starting the machine for the very first time, remove the system SSD in order to clone it with Macrium-Reflect and put it back in place after this cloning without risking losing the Dell warranty. Thank you in advance if you know the answer to this question. Have a good day.
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