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Everything posted by joluke

  1. for anyone wondering http://notebooktalk.net/ already redirects to https://efgxt.net so you can bookmark it already :)
  2. Well since most of us have the P775DM2-G or the P775DM3-G. Here is the topic to discuss this model! So to start i will post a little mod i bought (but still am waiting to receive) to the CMOS battery case! As soon as i receive it will post photos of it mounted in the compartment of the battery! It way easier to replace the battery like this and the little case of the battery, has a switch to easily do a CMOS reset without having to remove the connector all together! https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/1005001847447819.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.36c1e9c70bDsUA&algo_pvid=c6cde38e-3321-4f6d-a220-df3adf48c6e2&algo_exp_id=c6cde38e-3321-4f6d-a220-df3adf48c6e2-0&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000017837804794"}&pdp_pi=-1%3B2.11%3B-1%3B-1%40salePrice%3BEUR%3Bsearch-mainSearch
  3. If you can, make sure the emoji icon is visible... Can't see it in mobile or desktop. I didn't know the emoji was there is it wasn't for a user tip
  4. thanks for that! Only did the request to delete but now i also did the request to opt out of selling too :)
  5. Still it is better than nothing and you have a confirmation email that you requested the deletion. If they don't comply, you can always press charges and sue 🙂
  6. my last post on NBR: @Vasudev i know you replied but i didn't read what you said because the forum was already down
  7. A tip: If you type your email in their forms, make sure you reply to the confirmation email they send to verify your email! This is very important so that they finish removing every single data they have on you
  8. To exercise your access, data portability, deletion or “OPT OUT OF MY PERSONAL INFO” rights, please submit your request using this link: https://www.techtarget.com/ccpa-privacy-notice/ Make sure you use the email you used in your account on notebookreview! Do it, before unsavory types sell your data to ad companies!
  9. Did you try another hdmi cable!? One with hdmi2.1 or 2.0?
  10. This model doesn't have hardware power connected to the embedded gpu. Only the dedicated card works here. Not Intel so that doesn't apply to P7xx and P8xx and the later X170 models
  11. Did Charles join any forum? Or you are the only mod that came @Custom90gt? I'm glad we have you here with us! Personally Im happy to have other resources in terms of information on laptops and other hardware. But yeah as you mention @Custom90gt, TT let themselves go downhill. I have a lot of their websites in RSS and was an avid reader of their news and reviews and so on but they simply stopped posting editorial stuff. The only site that was active was the forum afaik and even the forum was practically dead if it wasn't for a couple of daily usuals like @Papusan and @Mr. Fox and many others. But I'm happy to see you guys around again and hopefully together we can make this forum and others prosper
  12. Been playing Hitman 3 a lot since Battlefield 2042 is dead
  13. Thank God for that 🙂
  14. https://www.techtarget.com/technologyguide/
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